Saturday 10 to Sunday 11 November 2018
Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent’s Park Road, London NW1 7AY
Folk song, the everyday music of the common people as passed from generation to generation, has been highly debated ever since the first attempts by early collectors to define it. It has been performed, collected, researched, and unpicked, and the defining qualities which make it unique continue to stimulate current debate and approaches to collecting.
This conference seeks to present the latest research in folk song in all its possible contexts and forms. Enjoy two days of papers, discussion, insight and exploration into traditional song, with topics set to include:
Lunch and refreshments provided.
Book at the supporter rate to enable us to publish conference proceedings.
Weekend £60 | £70 supporter rate
One day £35 | £45 supporter rate
Book now Browse provisional timetable
To find out more contact Laura Smyth, Library and Archives Director, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..