Insert termAbandonment used for Desertion; Forsaking
Insert termAberdeen
Insert termAberdeenshire
Insert termAberdour (Fife)
Insert termAbingdon
Insert termAbortifacients
Insert termAboyne
Insert termAbsent lovers
Insert termAbstinence from alcoholic drinks used for Teetotalism; Total abstinence
Insert termAbstract properties
Insert termAbundance
Insert termAbuse used for Mistreatment; Ill-treatment
Insert termAccent
Insert termAcceptance (emotion) used for Emotional acceptance; Resignation (emotion)
Insert termAcceptance (marriage proposals)
Insert termAccidental death
Insert termAccidents & disasters used for Disasters
Insert termAccompanying
Insert termAccomplices
Insert termAccusation
Insert termAccusations
Insert termAches & pains used for Pains
Insert termAcknowledgement of paternity
Insert termAcquaintance
Insert termAcres
Insert termACTIONS & PROCESSES used for Activities; Processes
Insert termActors
Insert termActs of Parliament
Insert termAdam (Biblical figure)
Insert termAdmirals
Insert termAdmiration
Insert termAdmirers
Insert termAdolescents used for Teenagers
Insert termAdoration
Insert termAdulteration of food
Insert termAdulterers
Insert termAdultery
Insert termAdvertisements
Insert termAdvertising
Insert termAdvice
Insert termAeroplanes used for Airplanes; Planes (aircraft)
Insert termAffray used for Street fights
Insert termAfrica
Insert termAfricans
Insert termAgeNot to be used to describe people or animals - see respective hierarchies for people or animals by age.
Insert termAge difference (romantic couples)
Insert termAgeing used for Aging
Insert termAgents used for Factors (agents)
Insert termAgreements used for Pacts
Insert termAgricultural & extractive indusries used for Primary industries
Insert termAgricultural equipment
Insert termAgricultural industries
Insert termAgricultural personnel
Insert termAgricultural products
Insert termAgricultural vehicles
Insert termAgriculture
Insert termAides-de-camp
Insert termAikey Brae
Insert termAir (atmosphere) used for Atmosphere
Insert termAir pilots used for Pilots (aircraft); Aviators
Insert termAir transport personnel
Insert termAircraft used for Air vehicles
Insert termAircraft personnel
Insert termAiring washing
Insert termAlabama
Insert termAlcoholic drinking
Insert termAlcoholic drinks used for Liquor
Insert termAlcoholism
Insert termAlexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C. used for Alexander III, King of Macedonia
Insert termAlice
Insert termAll fours (card game) used for High-low-Jack; Seven up (card game)
Insert termAllandale used for Allendale (imaginary place)
Insert termAlloys
Insert termAlps used for The Alps
Insert termAlum
Insert termAmazement
Insert termAmbition
Insert termAmbushing
Insert termAmerican War of Independence (1775-1783) used for American Revolutionary War
Insert termAmericans
Insert termAmericas used for Columbia; New World
Insert termAmmunition
Insert termAmphibians
Insert termAmputation
Insert termAncestors
Insert termAnchors (boats & ships)
Insert termAndrew used for Andy
Insert termAngels
Insert termAnger used for Rage; Fury; Ire; Spleen (anger); Wrath
Insert termAnglesey, Henry William Paget, Marquis of, 1768-1854 used for Paget, Henry William, Marquis of Anglesey, 1768-1854; Uxbridge, Henry William Paget, Earl of, 1768-1854
Insert termAnglican Church
Insert termAngling
Insert termAnglo-Scottish border
Insert termAnglo-Scottish Wars (1296-1603)
Insert termAnguish
Insert termAngus used for Forfarshire
Insert termAngus, James Douglas, Earl of, 1646-1700 used for Douglas, James, Earl of Angus, 1646-1700; Douglas, James, Marquis of Douglas, 1646-1700
Insert termAnimal-powered vehicles
Insert termAnimal ailments & conditions
Insert termAnimal behaviour
Insert termAnimal body parts
Insert termAnimal care
Insert termAnimal collars
Insert termAnimal communication
Insert termAnimal equipment
Insert termAnimal feeding used for Feeding of animals
Insert termAnimal feeding behaviour used for Feeding behaviour (animals)
Insert termAnimal habitats & homes (artificial)
Insert termAnimal habitats & homes (natural)
Insert termAnimal locomotion
Insert termAnimal mating
Insert termAnimal nets
Insert termAnimal products
Insert termAnimal reproduction
Insert termAnimal riding used for Riding of animals
Insert termAnimal skins
Insert termAnimal slaughter used for Slaughtering animals
Insert termAnimal sounds used for Animal noises
Insert termAnimal whips
Insert termAnimals
Insert termAnne used for Ann; Annie; Nan
Insert termAnnouncements
Insert termAnswering used for Replying; Responding
Insert termAnticipation
Insert termAnvils
Insert termAnxiety used for Worry
Insert termApartments used for Flats
Insert termApes
Insert termAphrodisiacs
Insert termApollo used for Phoebus
Insert termApostles used for Twelve apostles
Insert termAppearing
Insert termApples
Insert termApplied sciences
Insert termApprentices used for Prentices
Insert termApril
Insert termAprons
Insert termArable farming
Insert termArable farming tasks & processes
Insert termArachnids
Insert termArchers (armies)
Insert termArchers (fighters) used for Bowmen
Insert termArchers (sports people)
Insert termArchery
Insert termArchery weapons
Insert termArches
Insert termArctic
Insert termArctic Ocean
Insert termArmchairs
Insert termArmed forces used for Military forces
Insert termArmies
Insert termArmour
Insert termArms
Insert termArmstrong (Clan)
Insert termArmstrong, Dick, of Dryhope used for Dickie of Dryhope
Insert termArmstrong, John, -1528 used for Johnny Armstrong
Insert termArmstrong, William, active 1596 used for Armstrong, Kinmont Willie; Kinmont Willie
Insert termArmy (British) used for British Army
Insert termArmy captains used for Captains (armies)
Insert termArmy officers used for Commanders (army officers)
Insert termArmy organisation
Insert termArmy personnel
Insert termArmy sectors
Insert termArmy sergeants used for Sergeants (army)
Insert termArmy transport
Insert termArngask
Insert termArranged marriages
Insert termArrest (law enforcement)
Insert termArrows
Insert termArthurian characters
Insert termArthurian legends
Insert termArtificial noses
Insert termArtillery
Insert termArtistic creation
Insert termArtists (visual arts)
Insert termArtsIn the widest sense including literature and performing arts as well as visual arts used for The Arts
Insert termArts & entertainment buildings
Insert termArts & entertainment equipment
Insert termArts & entertainment personnel
Insert termARTS, RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT used for Entertainment
Insert termArtworksWorks of visual art. Use Works of art for the broader sense including musical and literary works. used for Art objects
Insert termAsia
Insert termAsians
Insert termAsking a favour used for Favour (asking)
Insert termAssassination
Insert termAssault
Insert termAssumption Day
Insert termAstor, John Jacob, 1864-1912
Insert termAstronomical equipment
Insert termAstronomical phenonema
Insert termAt sea setting
Insert termAthletics used for Track & field sports
Insert termAtholl
Insert termAtlantic Ocean
Insert termAtonement
Insert termAttaching used for Affixing; Fastening to; Fixing to; Sticking to
Insert termAttempted rape
Insert termAttitudes
Insert termAttraction
Insert termAttractiveness
Insert termAuchanachie used for Annachie; Annochie
Insert termAugust
Insert termAugustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D. used for Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D; Octavian, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D.; Octavius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D.
Insert termAunts
Insert termAurora
Insert termAustralasia
Insert termAustralia
Insert termAustria
Insert termAutumn used for Fall (season)
Insert termAvonmore, William Charles Yelverton, Viscount, 1824-1883 used for Major Yelverton; Yelverton, William Charles, Viscount Avonmore, 1824-1883
Insert termAwakening used for Wakening; Waking up
Insert termAwls
Insert termAxes
Insert termAylesbury
Insert termAyr
Insert termAyrshire
Insert termAzores
Insert termBabies used for Infants
Insert termBaby clothes used for Infant clothing
Insert termBachelors used for Batchelors
Insert termBack (part of the body)
Insert termBacon
Insert termBadger (Newfoundland)
Insert termBaffin Bay
Insert termBagpipes
Insert termBags
Insert termBahia (Brazil)
Insert termBailing (boats)
Insert termBaked products
Insert termBakers
Insert termBaking
Insert termBalaam (Biblical figure)
Insert termBalance disorders
Insert termBaldness
Insert termBall games
Insert termBalloon ascent displays
Insert termBallroom dancing
Insert termBallrooms
Insert termBalls (dances)
Insert termBalls (sports & games)
Insert termBaltimore
Insert termBaltinglass
Insert termBanchory
Insert termBandaging
Insert termBands (musical groups)
Insert termBanffshire
Insert termBanishment
Insert termBanjos
Insert termBank notes used for Bills (bank notes); Paper money
Insert termBanksmen
Insert termBanns of marriage used for Marriage banns
Insert termBantry
Insert termBar staff used for Bar tenders
Insert termBarbados
Insert termBarbary Coast used for High Barbary
Insert termBarbers
Insert termBargaining
Insert termBargains
Insert termBarley
Insert termBarley mows
Insert termBarmaids
Insert termBarns
Insert termBarnsdale
Insert termBarons
Insert termBarracks
Insert termBarrels used for Butts (barrels); Casks; Tuns
Insert termBarriers
Insert termBasins
Insert termBasket makers
Insert termBaskets used for Creels
Insert termBathing
Insert termBathing (personal hygiene)
Insert termBatteau (Newfoundland)
Insert termBattle of Agincourt (1415)
Insert termBattle of La Corunna (1809) used for Battle of Corunna
Insert termBattle of Marengo (1800)
Insert termBattle of Quatre Bras (1815)
Insert termBattle of Quebec (1759) used for Battle of the Plains of Abraham
Insert termBattle of the Alma (1854)
Insert termBattle of the Boyne (1690)
Insert termBattle of the Somme (1916)
Insert termBattle of Trafalgar (1805)
Insert termBattle of Vimy Ridge (1917)
Insert termBattle of Waterloo (1815)
Insert termBattle wounds
Insert termBattlefields
Insert termBattles
Insert termBattleships
Insert termBay Bulls (Newfoundland)
Insert termBay of Biscay used for Biscay (Bay)
Insert termBay of Islands (Newfoundland)
Insert termBayonets
Insert termBays
Insert termBeaches
Insert termBeacons
Insert termBeads
Insert termBeagles
Insert termBeans
Insert termBeards used for Whiskers (facial hair)
Insert termBears
Insert termBeating used for Bludgeoning
Insert termBeauty used for Loveliness
Insert termBeaver hats
Insert termBedding
Insert termBedlam used for Bethlehem Hospital; Bethlem Royal Hospital
Insert termBedrooms used for Bedchambers; Boudoirs
Insert termBeds
Insert termBedsides
Insert termBeef
Insert termBeer used for Ale
Insert termBees
Insert termBeggars
Insert termBegging
Insert termBeguiling
Insert termBehavioural disorders
Insert termBeheading
Insert termBeing swept overboard
Insert termBelfast
Insert termBelfast Hills
Insert termBelgians
Insert termBelgium
Insert termBeliefs
Insert termBell Island (Newfoundland)
Insert termBell ringing used for Campanology; Change ringing; Ringing bells
Insert termBellerophon (ship) used for Billy Ruffian (ship)
Insert termBellows
Insert termBells
Insert termBelts (clothes) used for Girdles (belts)
Insert termBenbow, John, 1653?-1702 used for Admiral Benbow
Insert termBereavement
Insert termBerkshire
Insert termBermuda
Insert termBerries
Insert termBerwick-upon-Tweed
Insert termBerwickshire
Insert termBesom makers
Insert termBesoms
Insert termBest men (weddings) used for Groomsmen
Insert termBethelnie
Insert termBethlehem
Insert termBethnal Green used for Bethlem Green; Bednal Green
Insert termBetrayal used for Treachery
Insert termBetsy
Insert termBible used for Holy Bible; The Bible
Insert termBiblesBibles as a physical objects
Insert termBiblical figures
Insert termBiblical matriarchs
Insert termBiblical patriarchs
Insert termBigamy
Insert termBilberries used for Blaeberries; Blueberries; Whinberries; Whortleberries; Winberries
Insert termBill used for Billie; Billy
Insert termBillingsgate
Insert termBills (financial documents) used for Invoices; Reckoning (bill)
Insert termBinding in irons
Insert termBinoculars used for Opera glasses
Insert termBirch trees used for Birken trees
Insert termBirching
Insert termBird behaviour
Insert termBird body parts
Insert termBirds
Insert termBirds as omens
Insert termBirds carrying messages
Insert termBirdsong
Insert termBirmingham
Insert termBirmingham (Alabama)
Insert termBirth
Insert termBirth of Jesus Christ used for Nativity of Jesus Christ
Insert termBirthmarks
Insert termBiscuits
Insert termBishop's Falls (Newfoundland)
Insert termBishop of Hereford (Robin Hood character)
Insert termBishopbriggs
Insert termBishops
Insert termBitterness
Insert termBlack
Insert termBlack Bess (horse)
Insert termBlack flags
Insert termBlack hair
Insert termBlack puddings
Insert termBlack Watch used for Forty-second Regiment; Forty-twas
Insert termBlackbirds
Insert termBlacksmiths
Insert termBlacksmiths' forges used for Smithies
Insert termBlame
Insert termBlaming
Insert termBlankets
Insert termBlantyre
Insert termBleachers
Insert termBleeding (injuries)
Insert termBlessing
Insert termBlessings
Insert termBlind people
Insert termBlindness
Insert termBlizzards
Insert termBlonde hair used for Yellow hair
Insert termBlood
Insert termBlood sports
Insert termBloodhounds
Insert termBlooming (beauty) used for Blossoming (beauty)
Insert termBlooming (flowers) used for Blossoming (flowers)
Insert termBlowing
Insert termBlücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819
Insert termBlue
Insert termBlue eyes
Insert termBlunderbusses
Insert termBlushing
Insert termBo'suns used for Boatswains; Bosuns
Insert termBoarding a ship (sea battles)
Insert termBoarding houses used for Lodging houses
Insert termBoarding schools
Insert termBoars
Insert termBoasting used for Bragging; Vaunting
Insert termBoat & ship engines
Insert termBoat captains used for Captains (boats)
Insert termBoat racing
Insert termBoatbuilding
Insert termBoatmen
Insert termBoats
Insert termBoats & ships used for Ships & boats; Water vehicles; Watercraft
Insert termBoer War (1899-1902)
Insert termBogieside
Insert termBoiling to death
Insert termBolt Tail
Insert termBolton
Insert termBolts
Insert termBonaparte, François-Charles-Joseph, Herzog von Reichstadt, 1811-1832Son of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French used for Bonaparte, Francis-Charles-Joseph, Duke of Reichstadt, 1811-1832; Napoleon II, King of Rome, 1811-1832
Insert termBonaventure (Newfoundland)
Insert termBonavista (Newfoundland)
Insert termBones
Insert termBonfires
Insert termBonne Esperance
Insert termBonnets
Insert termBooks
Insert termBoots
Insert termBorrowing
Insert termBoston (Massachusetts)
Insert termBotany Bay
Insert termBottles
Insert termBotwood (Newfoundland) used for Botwoodville (Newfoundland)
Insert termBoundaries used for Borders; Frontiers; Borderlands
Insert termBouquets
Insert termBowers (apartments)A lady's bedroom or apartments, especially in a medieval castle
Insert termBowls (containers)
Insert termBows (weapons)
Insert termBoxes
Insert termBoxing
Insert termBoyle, Charles Cavendish, Sir, 1849-1916
Insert termBoys
Insert termBracken
Insert termBraco
Insert termBraemar
Insert termBranch (Newfoundland)
Insert termBrandy
Insert termBrass
Insert termBrass coins
Insert termBrass instruments
Insert termBravery used for Courage; Fearlessness; Valour; Daring
Insert termBray (County Wicklow)
Insert termBraying
Insert termBrazil
Insert termBreach of promise to marry
Insert termBread
Insert termBreakdown of relationships
Insert termBreakfasts
Insert termBreaking
Insert termBreaking in
Insert termBreasts used for Bosoms (breasts)
Insert termBreeches used for Britches
Insert termBreed
Insert termBreeds of dog
Insert termBreezes
Insert termBrennan, Willie, -1804 used for Brennan, William, -1804; Captain Brennan
Insert termBreweries
Insert termBrewers
Insert termBrewing used for Beer making
Insert termBrian used for Bryan
Insert termBriars
Insert termBribery
Insert termBribes
Insert termBricklayers
Insert termBridal bouquets used for Bridal wreaths
Insert termBridegrooms used for Grooms (weddings)
Insert termBrides
Insert termBridges
Insert termBridget used for Biddy; Bridgeen
Insert termBridles
Insert termBrigs
Insert termBrigus (Newfoundland)
Insert termBristol
Insert termBritish Isles used for Britain; Great Britain; United Kingdom
Insert termBritish overseas territories
Insert termBritons used for British people; Brits
Insert termBroadsides (sea battles)
Insert termBroadswords
Insert termBroken-heartedness
Insert termBroken engagements
Insert termBroken promises used for Promises (broken)
Insert termBroken tokens
Insert termBromsgrove
Insert termBrooke, Gustavus Vaughan, 1818-1866
Insert termBrooklyn (Newfoundland)
Insert termBroom (shrub)
Insert termBroom cutters used for Broomdashers
Insert termBroomielaw
Insert termBrooms
Insert termBrothels used for Bawdy houses; Bordellos; Disorderly houses; Houses of ill repute; Whorehouses
Insert termBrothers used for Brethren
Insert termBroughton, Spence
Insert termBroughty Castle
Insert termBrown (colour)
Insert termBrown eyes
Insert termBrown skin
Insert termBrown Willy (Cornwall)
Insert termBrundenlaws Farm
Insert termBrushes
Insert termBrushes (cleaning equipment)
Insert termBrushing down (horses)
Insert termBrussels
Insert termBruton
Insert termBuchan
Insert termBuckinghamshire used for Bucks (county)
Insert termBucklers
Insert termBuckles
Insert termBucks (deer)
Insert termBuffalo (New York State)
Insert termBuffaloes
Insert termBugles
Insert termBuilders
Insert termBuilding equipment
Insert termBuilding materials
Insert termBuilding trade used for Construction industry
Insert termBuilding trade personnel
Insert termBuildings
Insert termBuilt communities
Insert termBuilt environment
Insert termBuilt structures used for Structures; Infrastructure
Insert termBullets
Insert termBulls
Insert termBunclody used for Newtownbarry
Insert termBunkhouses
Insert termBuns
Insert termBurial alive
Insert termBurials
Insert termBuried treasure
Insert termBurin (Newfoundland)
Insert termBurnett Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termBurning used for Combustion
Insert termBurning a ship (sea battles)
Insert termBurning at the stake
Insert termBurning down
Insert termBurning food
Insert termBurns, Robert, 1759-1796
Insert termBurnt Islands (Newfoundland)
Insert termBury (Lancashire)
Insert termBushels
Insert termBushrangers
Insert termBusiness people
Insert termButchers
Insert termButchers' shops
Insert termButchery
Insert termButlers
Insert termButter
Insert termButter making
Insert termButter tubs
Insert termButterflies
Insert termButtocks used for Backside (buttocks); Bottom (buttocks); Bum (buttocks); Posterior
Insert termBuying used for Purchasing
Insert termBuying on credit
Insert termByres
Insert termBywell Castle (ship)
Insert termCabbages used for Kail
Insert termCabin boys
Insert termCabot Isle (Newfoundland)
Insert termCabot, John, -1498? used for Caboto, Giovanni, -1498?
Insert termCaesar, Julius used for Julius Caesar
Insert termCaesarean section
Insert termCages
Insert termCain (Biblical figure)
Insert termCakes
Insert termCalifornia
Insert termCalling for help
Insert termCallousness
Insert termCalvert (Newfoundland)
Insert termCampaigns (military operations)
Insert termCamping (itinerant life)
Insert termCanada
Insert termCanadian provinces & territories
Insert termCanadians
Insert termCandles
Insert termCanes (walking sticks)
Insert termCannibalism
Insert termCannon balls
Insert termCannons
Insert termCanoes
Insert termCape Breton Island (Nova Scotia)
Insert termCape Broyle (Newfoundland)
Insert termCape Race (Newfoundland)
Insert termCape Ray (Newfoundland)
Insert termCape Spear (Newfoundland)
Insert termCape St Mary's (Newfoundland)
Insert termCapelin
Insert termCapes (coasts)
Insert termCapons
Insert termCaps
Insert termCapture of Beaumont-Hamel (1916)
Insert termCapturing
Insert termCar drivers
Insert termCaravans
Insert termCard games
Insert termCarding
Insert termCarefreeness used for Lightheartedness
Insert termCarefulness used for Attentiveness; Caution
Insert termCaressing used for Fondling; Petting; Stroking
Insert termCarlanrig used for Carlin Rigg
Insert termCarlisle
Insert termCarlisle Castle
Insert termCarlow
Insert termCaroline
Insert termCarpenters used for House carpenters
Insert termCarriages
Insert termCarrion
Insert termCarrying
Insert termCars used for Automobiles; Motor cars
Insert termCarterhaugh
Insert termCarters
Insert termCarts
Insert termCasements
Insert termCashel
Insert termCassington
Insert termCassington Brook
Insert termCasting lots
Insert termCastle Cary Castle (Stirlingshire) used for Castlecary Castle
Insert termCastles
Insert termCat Harbour (Newfoundland)
Insert termCatching
Insert termCatching prey
Insert termCats
Insert termCattle
Insert termCaulking
Insert termCausing
Insert termCavalry
Insert termCavalrymen
Insert termCecilia
Insert termCelebrations used for Commemorations; Festivities
Insert termCelestial bodies used for Heavenly bodies; Astronomical objects
Insert termCellars
Insert termCement
Insert termCensus taking
Insert termCentaurs
Insert termCereal products
Insert termCereals
Insert termCessation of hostilities
Insert termChain shot
Insert termChaingangs
Insert termChains
Insert termChairs
Insert termChalk
Insert termChallenging
Insert termChamber pots used for Potties
Insert termChamberlains
Insert termChambermaids
Insert termChampions (fighters)
Insert termChance Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termChange
Insert termChannel-Port aux Basques (Newfoundland)
Insert termChannel (Newfoundland)
Insert termChannel Downs used for Downs (English Channel)
Insert termChaplains
Insert termChaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977
Insert termCharabancs
Insert termCharacter traits & behaviour
Insert termCharacters from classical myths
Insert termChariots
Insert termCharity
Insert termCharles VI, King of France, 1368-1422
Insert termCharm
Insert termChartism
Insert termChâteau de Saint-Cloud used for Saint-Cloud (Château)
Insert termChatham
Insert termChattanooga (Tennessee)
Insert termChauffeurs
Insert termCheapside (London)
Insert termCheats
Insert termCheeks
Insert termCheerfulness used for Joviality
Insert termCheering
Insert termCheese
Insert termChefs used for Cooks (catering)
Insert termChelsea (London)
Insert termChemical substances used for Chemicals
Insert termCherries
Insert termCherry trees
Insert termCherubim
Insert termCheshire
Insert termCheshire cheese
Insert termChest (part of the body) used for Bosom (chest)
Insert termChester
Insert termChests (furniture) used for Kists
Insert termChicken (meat)
Insert termChickens
Insert termChildbirth
Insert termChildcare
Insert termChildcare furniture & equipment
Insert termChildhood
Insert termChildren used for Child
Insert termChildren's games
Insert termChile
Insert termChimneys (buildings) used for Flues
Insert termChin
Insert termChitterlings
Insert termChoosing used for Choice; Opting
Insert termChoruses (songs)
Insert termChristening ceremonies
Insert termChristian beliefs
Insert termChristian denominations
Insert termChristian rites & practices
Insert termChristian saints used for Saints
Insert termChristianity
Insert termChristmasThe whole Christmas period, from Christmas Eve to Twelfth Night used for Christmastide; Yule; Yuletide
Insert termChristmas customs
Insert termChristmas Day
Insert termChristmas decorations
Insert termChristmas Eve
Insert termChristmas parties
Insert termChurch Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termChurch of England
Insert termChurch services
Insert termChurches
Insert termChurchyards used for Kirkyards
Insert termChurning butter
Insert termCider used for Cyder
Insert termCigarettes
Insert termCigars
Insert termCirculatory system
Insert termCircuses
Insert termCitizens
Insert termCity of London used for London (City)
Insert termCivil engineering
Insert termCivil engineering personnel
Insert termCivil law
Insert termCivil servants
Insert termCivil wrongs used for Torts
Insert termClans
Insert termClapham, Anthony
Insert termClass difference (romantic couples)
Insert termClass differences used for Wealth differences
Insert termClassical gods & goddesses used for Gods of Olympus; Olympian deities
Insert termClassical myths
Insert termClassical religions
Insert termClaudy
Insert termClay
Insert termClaymores
Insert termCleaning
Insert termCleaning equipment & materials
Insert termCleanliness
Insert termClerks
Insert termCleverness
Insert termClifford, Rosamond, -1176? used for Fair Rosamond; Rosamond the Fair
Insert termCliffs
Insert termClimbing plants
Insert termClimbing the rigging
Insert termCloaks
Insert termClocks
Insert termClods
Insert termClonmel
Insert termCloseness (interpersonal)
Insert termClothes used for Apparel; Attire; Clothing; Garments
Insert termClothes irons used for Flat irons; Irons (clothes); Smoothing irons; Geese (clothes irons); Tailors' geese
Insert termClothing & adornment used for Adornment (personal)
Insert termClothing makers
Insert termClowns
Insert termClubs (weapons) used for Bludgeons; Coshes; Cudgels; Nightsticks
Insert termCluden Water used for Clouden Water
Insert termCoach drivers used for Coachmen
Insert termCoach passengers
Insert termCoach personnel
Insert termCoaches
Insert termCoaker, W. F. (William Ford), 1871-1938
Insert termCoal (fuel)
Insert termCoal miners used for Colliers
Insert termCoal mines used for Collieries
Insert termCoal mining
Insert termCoastguards
Insert termCoastlines
Insert termCoats
Insert termCobblers
Insert termCobblers' shops used for Shoe repair shops
Insert termCobh used for Queenstown (County Cork)
Insert termCock fighting
Insert termCockades
Insert termCocks used for Cockerels; Roosters
Insert termCocks crowing used for Crowing of cocks
Insert termCod
Insert termCod liver oil
Insert termCoffins
Insert termCohabitation used for Living with
Insert termCoins
Insert termCold
Insert termCold weather
Insert termCollapse
Insert termCollars
Insert termColleen
Insert termColleges
Insert termCollingwood, Cuthbert Collingwood, Baron, 1750-1810
Insert termCollisions (transport accidents)
Insert termColonels
Insert termColouring
Insert termColouring agents
Insert termCombat sports
Insert termCombers
Insert termCombs
Insert termComets
Insert termComfort
Insert termComic songs
Insert termCommands used for Orders (commands)
Insert termCommercial exploitation used for Commercialisation; Exploitation (commercial)
Insert termCommissions (documents)
Insert termCommon-law marriages
Insert termCommon forenames
Insert termCommunication
Insert termCommunication equipment
Insert termCommunication failures used for Failure of communication
Insert termCommunication modes & media
Insert termCommunication services
Insert termCommunication services personnel
Insert termCommunities
Insert termCompanions
Insert termCompany stores
Insert termCompasses
Insert termCompetitions used for Contests
Insert termCompetitiveness
Insert termComplaining
Insert termComplaints
Insert termComponents used for Parts
Insert termComposition (music)
Insert termComrades
Insert termComradeship
Insert termConcerts
Insert termCondemnation
Insert termCondemned persons
Insert termCondescension
Insert termCondiments
Insert termConfession
Insert termConfession of sins
Insert termConfessions
Insert termConjurors
Insert termConquerors
Insert termConscience
Insert termConsensual sex
Insert termConsent
Insert termConsents
Insert termConstables
Insert termConstancy
Insert termConstruction
Insert termConstruction accidents
Insert termConsuls (diplomats)
Insert termContainers
Insert termContempt
Insert termContentment
Insert termConvening
Insert termConversation
Insert termConvicts
Insert termCooking
Insert termCooking & serving utensils used for Cookware
Insert termCooking pots
Insert termCooks (domestic)
Insert termCoopers
Insert termCopenhagen
Insert termCopper sulphate used for Blue vitriol
Insert termCorder, William, 1803-1828
Insert termCork (City)
Insert termCorn
Insert termCorner Brook (Newfoundland)
Insert termCornish people
Insert termCornwall
Insert termCornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, Marquis, 1738-1805
Insert termCoroners
Insert termCorporal punishment
Insert termCorporals
Insert termCorpses used for Dead bodies; Cadavers
Insert termCorruption
Insert termCorsica
Insert termCosmetics used for Make-up
Insert termCottage industry workers
Insert termCottages
Insert termCotton
Insert termCotton spinners
Insert termCotton spinners (cottage)
Insert termCotton spinners (factory)
Insert termCounterfeit money used for Fake money; Forged money
Insert termCountesses
Insert termCountry people used for Countryfolk; Rural dwellers
Insert termCounty Antrim used for Antrim (County)
Insert termCounty Armagh used for Armagh (County)
Insert termCounty Carlow used for Carlow (County)
Insert termCounty Cork used for Cork (County)
Insert termCounty Donegal used for Donegal (County)
Insert termCounty Down used for Down (County)
Insert termCounty Dublin used for Dublin (County)
Insert termCounty Kerry used for Kerry (County)
Insert termCounty Kildare used for Kildare (County)
Insert termCounty Limerick used for Limerick (County)
Insert termCounty Londonderry used for County Derry; Derry (County); Londonderry (County)
Insert termCounty Louth used for Louth (County)
Insert termCounty Meath used for Meath (County)
Insert termCounty Sligo used for Sligo (County)
Insert termCounty Tipperary used for Tipperary (County)
Insert termCounty Tyrone used for Tyrone (County)
Insert termCounty Waterford used for Waterford (County)
Insert termCounty Wexford used for Wexford (County)
Insert termCounty Wicklow used for Wicklow (County)
Insert termCoupons
Insert termCourts of law used for Law courts
Insert termCourtship used for Courting; Wooing
Insert termCourtship & marriage
Insert termCousins
Insert termCovent Garden
Insert termCoventry
Insert termCoveting
Insert termCow hides
Insert termCowardice used for Faint-heartedness
Insert termCowards
Insert termCowboys
Insert termCowdenknowes
Insert termCows
Insert termCowslips
Insert termCoyotes
Insert termCrabs
Insert termCradles used for Bassinets
Insert termCrafts people used for Artisans; Tradesmen; Craftsmen
Insert termCravats
Insert termCream
Insert termCreation (of the world)
Insert termCremorne Gardens
Insert termCricket
Insert termCrimea
Insert termCrimean War (1853-1856)
Insert termCrimes
Insert termCriminals used for Crooks (criminals); Felons; Lawbreakers
Insert termCrinolines
Insert termCrocodiles
Insert termCrops
Insert termCross-dressing used for Transvestism; Men dressing as women; Women dressing as men
Insert termCrowns (coins)
Insert termCrowns (headwear)
Insert termCrowns (money)
Insert termCrows
Insert termCroydon
Insert termCrucifixion
Insert termCrucifixion of Jesus Christ
Insert termCruelty
Insert termCruelty to animals used for Animal cruelty
Insert termCrustaceans
Insert termCrying used for Weeping; Sobbing; Shedding tears
Insert termCuba
Insert termCuckoldry
Insert termCuckolds
Insert termCuddling
Insert termCumberland
Insert termCumbernauld
Insert termCumulative songs
Insert termCupboards
Insert termCuper's Gardens used for Cupid's Garden
Insert termCupid
Insert termCups
Insert termCurds
Insert termCurly hair
Insert termCurses used for Malisons
Insert termCustoms
Insert termCustoms officers
Insert termCut Throat Island (Newfoundland)
Insert termCutlasses
Insert termCutlery
Insert termCutting used for Clipping; Cropping
Insert termCutting equipment
Insert termCypress trees
Insert termDaffodils used for Daffadowndillies; Narcissi; Daffy-down-dillies
Insert termDaggers
Insert termDairies
Insert termDairy equipment
Insert termDairy farming
Insert termDairy produce
Insert termDaisies
Insert termDales
Insert termDamaging used for Marring; Spoiling
Insert termDamned souls used for The damned
Insert termDanby
Insert termDancing
Insert termDanes (people)
Insert termDanger
Insert termDaniel
Insert termDark eyes
Insert termDark hair
Insert termDark skin
Insert termDartmoor
Insert termDarts (weapons)
Insert termDaughters
Insert termDavid
Insert termDavid, King of Israel
Insert termDavy Jones
Insert termDawn used for Break of day; Cockcrow; Daybreak; First light
Insert termDays of the week
Insert termDaytime
Insert termDead animals
Insert termDead lovers
Insert termDead of the night
Insert termDeath
Insert termDeath at sea
Insert termDeath by beating
Insert termDeath by drowning
Insert termDeath by illness or disease
Insert termDeath by poisoning
Insert termDeath by shooting
Insert termDeath by stabbing
Insert termDeath by strangling
Insert termDeath customs
Insert termDeath from a broken heart used for Dying for love
Insert termDeath from asphyxia used for Asphyxiation; Death from suffocation; Suffocation
Insert termDeath from exposure used for Death by exposure; Exposure; Hypothermia; Death by freezing; Death by weather
Insert termDeath from grief
Insert termDeath from natural causes
Insert termDeath from starvation
Insert termDeath in battle
Insert termDeath in childbirth
Insert termDeath in fire
Insert termDeath sentences
Insert termDebatable Lands
Insert termDebt
Insert termDebt collectors used for Bailiffs (debt collectors)
Insert termDebtors' prisons
Insert termDecay of beauty
Insert termDecember
Insert termDeception used for Deceit
Insert termDeceptions used for Shams
Insert termDecision making
Insert termDecisions
Insert termDecks (boats & ships)
Insert termDeclarations of love
Insert termDeer
Insert termDeer hunting
Insert termDeer skins
Insert termDefeat
Insert termDefence
Insert termDefensive weapons
Insert termDefiance
Insert termDelight
Insert termDenmark
Insert termDens
Insert termDenunciation
Insert termDerby
Insert termDerbyshire
Insert termDerry Down Fair used for Derrydown Fair
Insert termDerwentwater, James Radcliffe, Earl of, 1689-1716 used for Derwentwater, Lord (James Radcliffe), 1689-1716; Radcliffe, James, Earl of Derwentwater, 1689-1716
Insert termDescendants used for Lineal descendants
Insert termDeserters
Insert termDeserts
Insert termDesire
Insert termDespair used for Hopelessness; Desperation
Insert termDespondency used for Downheartedness; Low spirits
Insert termDestitution
Insert termDestruction
Insert termDetectives
Insert termDevils used for Demons; Imps
Insert termDevon
Insert termDevonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1640-1707 used for Cavendish, William, Duke of Devonshire, 1640-1707
Insert termDevotion
Insert termDew
Insert termDialect
Insert termDiamond rings
Insert termDiamonds
Insert termDiana's Peak (St Helena) used for Mount Diana (St Helena)
Insert termDiana (Roman goddess)
Insert termDice games used for Dicing (games)
Insert termDictators used for Absolute rulers; Autocrats; Despots; Tyrants
Insert termDiggers (political movement)
Insert termDigging
Insert termDigging up
Insert termDimples
Insert termDinners
Insert termDiplomats
Insert termDirt
Insert termDirty
Insert termDirty clothes
Insert termDisappointment
Insert termDisciples of Jesus Christ
Insert termDiscoveries (geographical)
Insert termDiscretion
Insert termDisdain
Insert termDiseases used for Infections
Insert termDisguise
Insert termDisguises
Insert termDishes
Insert termDishonesty
Insert termDishonour
Insert termDisinterment (corpses)
Insert termDislike
Insert termDismay
Insert termDisobedience
Insert termDisowning
Insert termDisplays
Insert termDisposal of the dead
Insert termDistress
Insert termDistribution industry personnel
Insert termDistrust used for Doubt; Mistrust; Suspicion
Insert termDitches used for Dykes (ditches)
Insert termDivine punishment used for Damnation
Insert termDiving
Insert termDivorce
Insert termDocks
Insert termDoctors
Insert termDocuments
Insert termDoes
Insert termDog collars
Insert termDogs
Insert termDollars (money)
Insert termDomestic abuse
Insert termDomestic animals
Insert termDomestic cleaning equipment
Insert termDomestic equipment used for Household objects
Insert termDomestic fires used for Fires (domestic)
Insert termDomestic heating equipment used for Heating equipment (domestic)
Insert termDomestic lighting used for Lighting (domestic)
Insert termDomestic servants & staff used for Servants
Insert termDomestic violence
Insert termDominance
Insert termDonahue, Jack, 1804-1830 used for Donohue, Jack, 1804-1830
Insert termDonkeys used for Asses
Insert termDonnybrook (Dublin)
Insert termDonside
Insert termDoomsday used for End of days; End time; Last days
Insert termDoor latches
Insert termDoors
Insert termDoors (buildings)
Insert termDover
Insert termDoves
Insert termDownfall
Insert termDowns
Insert termDowries used for Marriage portions; Marriage settlements; Portions (marriage portions); Tochers
Insert termDozens
Insert termDragoons
Insert termDrainage structures
Insert termDrapers used for Linen-drapers
Insert termDraught dogs
Insert termDrayton Bassett
Insert termDreaming
Insert termDreams
Insert termDresses used for Gowns (dresses)
Insert termDressing (with clothes)
Insert termDrinking
Insert termDrinking songs
Insert termDrinking vessels used for Drinkware
Insert termDrinks used for Beverages
Insert termDrivers (road vehicles)
Insert termDriving (road vehicles) used for Steering (road vehicles)
Insert termDrogheda
Insert termDrook (Newfoundland)
Insert termDrooling used for Driveling; Slobbering
Insert termDropping anchor
Insert termDrowning
Insert termDrugs
Insert termDrummer boys
Insert termDrummers
Insert termDrums used for Membranophones
Insert termDrunken husbands
Insert termDrunkenness
Insert termDublin
Insert termDublin Bay
Insert termDucks
Insert termDuels
Insert termDukes
Insert termDumfries
Insert termDumfriesshire
Insert termDumplings
Insert termDun Laoghaire used for Kingstown
Insert termDunbartonshire used for Dumbartonshire
Insert termDundalk
Insert termDundee
Insert termDunfermline
Insert termDungannon
Insert termDungeness
Insert termDungeons
Insert termDunkirk
Insert termDusk used for Gloaming
Insert termDust
Insert termDutch people
Insert termDutifulness
Insert termDuty (virtue)
Insert termDyers
Insert termDying
Insert termDying unshriven
Insert termEagerness used for Keenness
Insert termEagle Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termEagles
Insert termEarls
Insert termEarnest money used for God's penny
Insert termEars
Insert termEarth (planet) used for The World; World
Insert termEarthquakes
Insert termEast
Insert termEast IndiesSouth and Southeast Asia generally or in a more restricted sense, the islands of Southeast Asia. used for Indies
Insert termEasterEaster Day (Easter Sunday) may be any date between 22nd March and 25th April
Insert termEaster customs
Insert termEating
Insert termEchoing
Insert termEconomic activities
Insert termEconomic institutions
Insert termEconomic problems
Insert termEcstasy (emotion) used for Rapture
Insert termEdinburgh
Insert termEdmund
Insert termEducation
Insert termEducational institutions
Insert termEducational personnel
Insert termEdward
Insert termEdward IV, King of England, 1442-1483
Insert termEdward VI, King of England, 1537-1553
Insert termEdward VII, King of Great Britain, 1841-1910
Insert termEdwin
Insert termEels
Insert termEggs (food)
Insert termEglantine roses used for Sweet briars; Sweetbriar roses; Briar roses
Insert termEgypt
Insert termEgyptian and Syrian Campaign (1798-1801) used for French Campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798-1801)
Insert termElastic
Insert termElation used for High spirits
Insert termElba
Insert termElderly men used for Old men
Insert termElderly people used for Old people; Pensioners
Insert termElderly women used for Old maids; Old women; Carlins; Crones
Insert termEleanor, of Aquitaine, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of England, 1122?-1204
Insert termElections
Insert termElectoral systems
Insert termEleven
Insert termElizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603
Insert termElliot family
Insert termElopement
Insert termElves
Insert termElwina
Insert termEmbarassment
Insert termEmbezzlement
Insert termEmbracing
Insert termEmergency services personnel
Insert termEmigrants
Insert termEmigration
Insert termEmotions used for Feelings
Insert termEmperors
Insert termEmpingham Woods used for Oakham Woods
Insert termEmpowerment
Insert termEmpresses
Insert termEnchantment (emotion)
Insert termEnchantment (supernatural)
Insert termEnemies used for Foes
Insert termEngagement rings
Insert termEngagement to marry used for Betrothal
Insert termEngineering used for Technology
Insert termEnginesA machine designed to convert some form of energy into mechanical energy used for Motors
Insert termEngines (of vehicles)
Insert termEngland
Insert termEngland. ParliamentUse for Parliament before the Act of Union 1707 used for Parliament (England)
Insert termEnglish Channel used for Channel, The
Insert termEnglish counties
Insert termEnglish people
Insert termEnjoyment
Insert termEnnoblement
Insert termEnticement
Insert termEnticements
Insert termEnvy
Insert termEquality in married life
Insert termEquipment
Insert termEscaping
Insert termEscaping punishment
Insert termEscorting (accompanying)
Insert termEssex
Insert termEssex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1565-1601
Insert termEthiopia used for Abyssinia
Insert termEuphemisms
Insert termEurope
Insert termEuropeans
Insert termEve (Biblical figure)
Insert termEvening
Insert termEvensong
Insert termEvents
Insert termEveryday life used for Daily life
Insert termEvictions
Insert termEvidence
Insert termEvidence (legal procedures)
Insert termEwes
Insert termExchange used for Swapping
Insert termExcitement
Insert termExecution used for Capital punishment; Death penalty
Insert termExecutioners' equipment
Insert termExercising
Insert termExile
Insert termExiles
Insert termExploration & discovery
Insert termExplorers
Insert termExplosions
Insert termExplosives
Insert termExtraction (natural resources)
Insert termEye colour
Insert termEye patches
Insert termEyes
Insert termEynsham
Insert termFabrics used for Textiles; Cloth
Insert termFace
Insert termFacial hair
Insert termFactories
Insert termFactory managers
Insert termFactory workers
Insert termFaial Island used for Fayal; Ilha do Faial
Insert termFailure
Insert termFailure to recognise
Insert termFainting used for Passing out; Syncope (medical); Swooning
Insert termFair going
Insert termFairies
Insert termFairs
Insert termFairy courts
Insert termFairy kings
Insert termFairy queens
Insert termFaith
Insert termFalling
Insert termFalling in love
Insert termFalling overboard
Insert termFalmouth
Insert termFalse accusations
Insert termFalse friends
Insert termFalse hair
Insert termFalse identity used for Imposture
Insert termFalse imprisonment
Insert termFalse lovers used for Unfaithful lovers
Insert termFalse narratives used for False accounts
Insert termFalse pride used for Hubris
Insert termFalse teeth used for Dentures
Insert termFalsehood
Insert termFalsity
Insert termFame used for Celebrity
Insert termFame (ship)
Insert termFamilial approval (of courtship or marriage)
Insert termFamilial opposition (to courtship or marriage)
Insert termFamilies
Insert termFamily members used for Relations (family members); Relatives
Insert termFarewells used for Adieus; Leave-takings; Valedictions; Goodbyes
Insert termFarm animal shelters
Insert termFarm animals used for Livestock
Insert termFarm buildings
Insert termFarm equipment
Insert termFarm labourers used for Agricultural labourers; Labourers (farms)
Insert termFarmers used for Husbandmen
Insert termFarmers' boys
Insert termFarmers' daughters
Insert termFarmers' sons
Insert termFarmers' wives
Insert termFarming customs & celebrations
Insert termFarming environment
Insert termFarms
Insert termFashion
Insert termFashionable clothes
Insert termFasteners (clothes)
Insert termFastening devices used for Fixing equipment
Insert termFat (product)
Insert termFate used for Destiny; Doom; Predestination; Providence
Insert termFatherhood used for Fathering; Paternity
Insert termFathers
Insert termFathers of the bride
Insert termFear
Insert termFeasts (meals)
Insert termFeathers (product)
Insert termFees
Insert termFeet used for Foot
Insert termFemale agency
Insert termFences
Insert termFermeuse (Newfoundland)
Insert termFerns
Insert termFerreting
Insert termFerries
Insert termFerries (ships)
Insert termFerry boats
Insert termFerryland (Newfoundland)
Insert termFerrymen
Insert termFestivals used for Feast days; Holy days
Insert termFetching used for Bringing
Insert termFever
Insert termFickleness used for Changing minds
Insert termFictional & imaginary entities
Insert termFictional inventions
Insert termFictional persons
Insert termFiddle players used for Fiddlers; Violinists
Insert termFiddle strings
Insert termFiddles used for Violins
Insert termFidelity used for Faithfulness; Loyalty; Troth
Insert termField marshals
Insert termFields
Insert termFife
Insert termFifes
Insert termFighters used for Armed men; Combatants; Warriors
Insert termFighting used for Combat
Insert termFighting against animals
Insert termFights used for Skirmishes
Insert termFiles (tools)
Insert termFilial love
Insert termFilicide
Insert termFilms (motion pictures) used for Motion pictures; Movies; Moving pictures
Insert termFilthiness
Insert termFinancial documents
Insert termFinancial sector personnel
Insert termFinancial security
Insert termFinding
Insert termFine clothes used for Fine clothing; Finery
Insert termFingers
Insert termFins (fish)
Insert termFinsbury Field
Insert termFir trees
Insert termFire irons
Insert termFirefighters
Insert termFireplaces
Insert termFires
Insert termFires (disasters) used for Blazes; Conflagrations
Insert termFiresides
Insert termFiring (fuel for domestic fires)
Insert termFirst-person narratives
Insert termFirst mates used for Chief mates
Insert termFirst Opium War (1839-1842) used for Opium War; Anglo-Chinese War (1839-1842)
Insert termFirst War of Scottish Independence (1296-1328)
Insert termFirst World War (1914-1918) used for Great War; World War One; WW1
Insert termFish
Insert termFish body parts
Insert termFish grading used for Grading fish
Insert termFishermen
Insert termFishingFor fishing on a small scale. For large scale fishing, use Fishing (commercial)
Insert termFishing (commercial) used for Commercial fishing
Insert termFishing for sport
Insert termFishing industries
Insert termFishing industry personnel
Insert termFishing vessels
Insert termFishponds
Insert termFive
Insert termFlags
Insert termFlails
Insert termFlanders Campaign (1793-1795)
Insert termFlannel
Insert termFlatrock (Newfoundland)
Insert termFlattering used for Smooth-talking
Insert termFlattery used for Smooth talk
Insert termFlax used for Linseed
Insert termFleas
Insert termFleeces
Insert termFlinching
Insert termFlirting
Insert termFloating
Insert termFlogging used for Flagellation; Lashing; Whipping (flogging)
Insert termFloods
Insert termFloorboards used for Boards (floorboards)
Insert termFloors
Insert termFlora (Roman goddess)
Insert termFlour
Insert termFlowerpots
Insert termFlowers used for Blooms
Insert termFlutes
Insert termFlying
Insert termFodder
Insert termFog
Insert termFoggy dew
Insert termFogo (Newfoundland)
Insert termFolding
Insert termFolding washing
Insert termFolk arts
Insert termFolk sayings
Insert termFolkestone used for Folescombe
Insert termFollowing
Insert termFollowing sweetheart
Insert termFolly
Insert termFood
Insert termFood & drink
Insert termFood & drink factories
Insert termFood & drink processing
Insert termFood & drink productionThis includes both industrial and small-scale production
Insert termFood & drink production personnel
Insert termFood cravings used for Cravings (food)
Insert termFood gathering
Insert termFood growing & rearing
Insert termFood, drink & hospitality personnel
Insert termFood, drink & hospitality premises
Insert termFoot racing
Insert termFootball (soccer) used for Association football; Soccer
Insert termFootmen
Insert termFootwear
Insert termForced labour used for Unfree labour
Insert termForced marriages
Insert termForcing
Insert termFords
Insert termFore masts
Insert termForeign lands
Insert termForeign languages
Insert termForeign setting
Insert termForeign travel used for Travel abroad; Overseas travel
Insert termForeigners
Insert termForenames used for Christian names; Given names; First names
Insert termForesters
Insert termForestry
Insert termForestry personnel
Insert termForests
Insert termForgeries
Insert termForgetfulness
Insert termForgetting
Insert termForgiveness of sins used for Shriving; Absolution
Insert termFormer lovers used for Ex-lovers
Insert termFortified wines
Insert termFortitude used for Keeping spirits up; Keeping up spirits
Insert termFortitude in adversity
Insert termFortune (Newfoundland)
Insert termFortune telling used for Divination
Insert termFoster-mothers
Insert termFoundering
Insert termFountains
Insert termFox hounds
Insert termFox hunting
Insert termFox, Luke, 1757-1819
Insert termFoxes used for Reynard
Insert termFoxes' brushes used for Brushes (foxes); Foxes' tails
Insert termFoxtrots
Insert termFragrance
Insert termFraming
Insert termFrance
Insert termFrance. Marine used for France. Navy; French Navy
Insert termFrances used for Fanny
Insert termFranklin, Jane, 1791-1875
Insert termFranklin, John, 1786-1847
Insert termFraternal organisations
Insert termFratricide
Insert termFraud
Insert termFrederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786 used for Frederick, the Great, 1712-1786; Friedrich II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
Insert termFreedom used for Liberty
Insert termFreeing used for Liberation; Releasing; Setting free; Emancipation
Insert termFreemasons
Insert termFrench imperial eagles used for Imperial eagles
Insert termFrench invasion of Russia (1812) used for Patriotic War of 1812; Russian Campaign (Napoleonic Wars)
Insert termFrench people
Insert termFrench Wars (1792-1815)
Insert termFrench, John Denton Pinkstone, Earl of Ypres, 1852-1925 used for Ypres, John Denton Pinkstone French, Earl of, 1852-1925
Insert termFriars
Insert termFriday
Insert termFriends
Insert termFriendship
Insert termFrigates
Insert termFrogs
Insert termFrost
Insert termFrostbite
Insert termFruit (food)
Insert termFruit picking
Insert termFruit trees
Insert termFuels
Insert termFumbling
Insert termFuneral marches
Insert termFuneral services personnel
Insert termFunerals
Insert termFunerary equipment
Insert termFunerary structures
Insert termFurniture
Insert termFurrows
Insert termFyvie
Insert termGaelic language used for Scots Gaelic language
Insert termGales
Insert termGalilee
Insert termGallantry
Insert termGalley slaves
Insert termGalleys (ships powered by oars)
Insert termGallons
Insert termGalloping
Insert termGallows used for Scaffold
Insert termGalveston (Texas)
Insert termGambling used for Betting; Gaming; Wagering
Insert termGambo (Newfoundland)
Insert termGamekeepers used for Keepers
Insert termGammon
Insert termGamrie
Insert termGangers
Insert termGarden personnel
Insert termGardeners
Insert termGardens
Insert termGarlands
Insert termGartartan Castle
Insert termGarters
Insert termGas (fuel)
Insert termGas lights (domestic)
Insert termGates
Insert termGathered crops
Insert termGeese used for Goose
Insert termGeldings
Insert termGeneral actions & processes
Insert termGenerals
Insert termGenerosity used for Benevolence
Insert termGeneva Barracks
Insert termGentility used for Genteel
Insert termGentlemen
Insert termGentlewomen
Insert termGentry used for Landed gentry
Insert termGeographical locations
Insert termGeological features
Insert termGeorge used for Geordie
Insert termGeorge I, King of Great Britain, 1660-1727
Insert termGeorge II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760
Insert termGeorge III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
Insert termGeorge IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 used for George, Prince Regent of Great Britain, 1762-1830; Prince Regent, The
Insert termGermans
Insert termGermany
Insert termGetting drunk
Insert termGetting lost used for Losing one's way
Insert termGhosts used for Revenants; Apparitions; Phantoms; Poltergeists; Shades (ghosts); Spectres; Spirits (ghosts); Spooks; Wraiths
Insert termGiants
Insert termGibbeting used for Hanging in chains
Insert termGibraltar
Insert termGifts used for Donations; Presents
Insert termGigolos
Insert termGiles used for Gide
Insert termGills (units of capacity)
Insert termGilnockie
Insert termGin
Insert termGirls
Insert termGiving
Insert termGiving commands used for Commanding
Insert termGlace Bay (Nova Scotia)
Insert termGlamorganshire
Insert termGlasgow
Insert termGlass (material)
Insert termGlasses (drinking vessels)
Insert termGlen Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termGlen Lyon
Insert termGlen of Aherlow
Insert termGlens
Insert termGlenshee
Insert termGlittering
Insert termGlory
Insert termGloucester
Insert termGloucester (Massachusetts)
Insert termGloucestershire
Insert termGloves
Insert termGlowering
Insert termGoats
Insert termGod
Insert termGoddesses
Insert termGods
Insert termGods & goddesses used for Deities
Insert termGoing to bed used for Retiring (to bed)
Insert termGold (colour)
Insert termGold (metal)
Insert termGold coins
Insert termGold rings
Insert termGolden hair
Insert termGolden Vanity (ship)
Insert termGoliath (Biblical giant)
Insert termGood-looking people
Insert termGood fortune used for Good luck; Fortune (luck)
Insert termGoods
Insert termGoods vehicles used for Cargo vehicles; Freight vehicles
Insert termGoose Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termGorse used for Furze; May bloom; Whin
Insert termGoshawks
Insert termGosport
Insert termGossip
Insert termGossipping
Insert termGovernesses
Insert termGovernment
Insert termGovernment agents
Insert termGovernment employees used for Officials (government); Public officials; Public servants
Insert termGovernment organisations
Insert termGovernors (public officials)
Insert termGrady Harbour (Newfoundland)
Insert termGraham (Clan)
Insert termGrainger, Richard, 1797-1861
Insert termGrampian Mountains
Insert termGrand Banks of Newfoundland
Insert termGrandfathers
Insert termGrandmothers
Insert termGrandparents
Insert termGrappling hooks used for Grapnels
Insert termGrass
Insert termGratitude used for Gratefulness; Thankfulness
Insert termGravedigging
Insert termGraves
Insert termGraveyards used for Cemeteries; Burial grounds
Insert termGreat Britain. Parliament used for Parliament (Great Britain)
Insert termGreat Britain. Parliament. House of Commons used for House of Commons
Insert termGreat Britain. Parliament. House of Lords used for House of Lords
Insert termGreat Western Railway
Insert termGreece
Insert termGreed used for Avarice
Insert termGreeks
Insert termGreen
Insert termGreen Island (Newfoundland)
Insert termGreenfieldNow in Greater Manchester, historically in Yorkshire. used for Grinfield; Grinfilt
Insert termGreenland
Insert termGreenock
Insert termGreenwich
Insert termGreeting used for Salutation; Saying hello; Calling out to
Insert termGreetings used for Hellos; Salutations
Insert termGrey horses
Insert termGreyhounds
Insert termGrief
Insert termGrocers
Insert termGrocers' shops
Insert termGrog
Insert termGrooms (horses)
Insert termGrouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de, 1766-1847
Insert termGround
Insert termGroves
Insert termGruel
Insert termGuard dogs used for Watch dogs
Insert termGuardhouses
Insert termGuardians
Insert termGuarding
Insert termGuildford
Insert termGuilt used for Culpability; Fault (guilt)
Insert termGuilt (emotion) used for Feeling guilt
Insert termGuilty verdicts
Insert termGuineas (coins)
Insert termGuineas (money)
Insert termGuitars
Insert termGun barrels
Insert termGun parts & accessories
Insert termGunpowder used for Black powder; Powder (gunpowder)
Insert termGuns used for Firearms
Insert termGypsies used for Gipsies; Roma; Romanies
Insert termHabits (clothes)
Insert termHackney
Insert termHail
Insert termHair used for Locks (hair)
Insert termHair colour
Insert termHairdressers
Insert termHairstyles
Insert termHalf-Way House
Insert termHalibut
Insert termHalifax (Nova Scotia)
Insert termHallowe'en31st October used for All Hallows' Eve; All Saints' Eve; Halloween; Allhalloween
Insert termHalters
Insert termHam
Insert termHammers
Insert termHammocks
Insert termHampshire
Insert termHand tools
Insert termHandcuffs
Insert termHandfasting
Insert termHandkerchiefs
Insert termHands
Insert termHandsomeness
Insert termHandwear
Insert termHanging (execution)
Insert termHanging out washing
Insert termHannibal, 247 B.C.-182 B.C.
Insert termHansom cabs
Insert termHappiness
Insert termHappy endings
Insert termHarbour Buffet (Newfoundland)
Insert termHarbour Grace (Newfoundland)
Insert termHarbour le Cou (Newfoundland)
Insert termHarbour Main (Newfoundland)
Insert termHarbours
Insert termHard-heartedness
Insert termHard timesPeriods when economic conditions mean hardship for many people.
Insert termHardheartedness
Insert termHardship
Insert termHardware
Insert termHardy, Thomas Masterman, Sir, 1769-1839
Insert termHare hunting
Insert termHares
Insert termHarm
Insert termHarnesses
Insert termHarpers
Insert termHarpooners
Insert termHarps
Insert termHarrow
Insert termHarrowing
Insert termHarrows
Insert termHarvest suppers used for Mell suppers
Insert termHarvesters
Insert termHarvesting
Insert termHarvesting equipment
Insert termHatred used for Hate
Insert termHats
Insert termHatters
Insert termHauling on ropes
Insert termHauling Point (Newfoundland)
Insert termHauling ropes
Insert termHauntings
Insert termHawaii
Insert termHawks
Insert termHawthorn bushes
Insert termHay
Insert termHaycocks
Insert termHaymaking
Insert termHays, Charles Melville, 1856-1912
Insert termHaystacks
Insert termHazel trees
Insert termHead
Insert termHeadaches
Insert termHeadwear used for Headdresses; Headgear
Insert termHealing
Insert termHealth
Insert termHealth services buildings
Insert termHearing
Insert termHearses
Insert termHeart
Insert termHeartache
Insert termHearths (domestic)
Insert termHeather
Insert termHeaths
Insert termHeaven used for Paradise
Insert termHeaving-to
Insert termHebrides
Insert termHedges
Insert termHedging & ditching
Insert termHeedlessness
Insert termHeirs
Insert termHell used for Inferno (Hell); Underworld
Insert termHelmets
Insert termHelplessness
Insert termHenpecked husbands
Insert termHenry
Insert termHenry II, King of England, 1133-1189
Insert termHenry V, King of England, 1387-1422
Insert termHenry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547
Insert termHens
Insert termHerbs & spices
Insert termHerding dogs
Insert termHeroes
Insert termHeroes & heroines
Insert termHeroines
Insert termHeroism
Insert termHerrings
Insert termHide & seek
Insert termHiding used for Concealment
Insert termHiding (oneself)
Insert termHiding (something or someone else)
Insert termHiggins, Edward J., 1864-1947
Insert termHigh Blantyre
Insert termHighlands (Scotland)
Insert termHighway robbers used for Highwaymen
Insert termHighway robbery
Insert termHilarity
Insert termHill of Tara used for Tara
Insert termHill, Rowland Hill, Viscount, 1772-1842
Insert termHills
Insert termHistorical events
Insert termHistorical persons
Insert termHitler, Adolf
Insert termHitting used for Striking (hitting)
Insert termHoaxes
Insert termHockey
Insert termHods
Insert termHoeing
Insert termHolidays used for Vacations
Insert termHolly trees
Insert termHomecoming
Insert termHomelessness
Insert termHomes used for Dwellings
Insert termHomesickness
Insert termHonesty
Insert termHoneymoons
Insert termHoneysuckle used for Woodbine
Insert termHonour
Insert termHonour killings
Insert termHoods
Insert termHooks
Insert termHope
Insert termHorns (musical instruments)
Insert termHorse-drawn vehicles
Insert termHorse ailments & conditions
Insert termHorse body parts
Insert termHorse care
Insert termHorse care personnel
Insert termHorse cloths used for Saddle-cloths
Insert termHorse dealers
Insert termHorse equipment
Insert termHorse fairs
Insert termHorse feeding
Insert termHorse hooves
Insert termHorse racing
Insert termHorse riding
Insert termHorse whips
Insert termHorses
Insert termHorses for transport
Insert termHorseshoes used for Horse shoes
Insert termHosiery
Insert termHospitality
Insert termHospitals
Insert termHostages
Insert termHot
Insert termHotels
Insert termHounslow Heath
Insert termHouse-visiting customs
Insert termHousekeepers
Insert termHouses
Insert termHousework
Insert termHowden
Insert termHowden Fair
Insert termHudson Bay used for Hudson's Bay
Insert termHugging
Insert termHugh of Lincoln, 1246-1255 used for Little Saint Hugh; Little Sir Hugh; Sir Hugh
Insert termHull used for Kingston-upon-Hull
Insert termHuman-powered vehicles used for Man-powered vehicles
Insert termHuman ashes used for Ashes (human)
Insert termHuman body used for Body (human)
Insert termHuman physical characteristics
Insert termHuman rights
Insert termHumiliation
Insert termHumility used for Meekness; Modesty
Insert termHumming
Insert termHumour
Insert termHundred Days War (1815) used for War of the Seventh Coalition (1815)
Insert termHundred Years' War (13371453)
Insert termHundreds
Insert termHunger used for Starvation; Clemming
Insert termHunt suppers
Insert termHunt, Henry, 1773-1835 used for Orator Hunt
Insert termHuntingHunting for land-based animals
Insert termHunting dogs used for Hounds
Insert termHunting equipment
Insert termHunting events
Insert termHunting for food
Insert termHunting for sport
Insert termHunting horns
Insert termHunting on foot
Insert termHunting on horseback
Insert termHunting personnel
Insert termHunting with animals
Insert termHunting with dogs
Insert termHunting with equipment
Insert termHunting, shooting & fishing
Insert termHuntingdon Shore (Newfoundland)
Insert termHuntly
Insert termHuntsmen
Insert termHusbands
Insert termHussars
Insert termHuts
Insert termHymns
Insert termIce
Insert termIce floes
Insert termIce skating
Insert termIcebergs
Insert termIcons
Insert termIdentity
Insert termIdle wives used for Indolent wives; Lazy wives; Slothful wives
Insert termIdleness used for Laziness; Sloth; Indolence
Insert termIllegitimacy
Insert termIllegitimate offspring used for Bastards
Insert termImaginary places
Insert termImmersion
Insert termImmigrants
Insert termImpatience
Insert termImpossible tasks
Insert termImpotence used for Erectile dysfunction
Insert termImpressment used for Press-ganging
Insert termImprisonment used for Confinement; Incarceration
Insert termImprisonment with hard labour used for Hard labour
Insert termIn-laws
Insert termInability to find a partner used for Difficulties in finding partner
Insert termIncest
Insert termInchmahome
Insert termIndentured labour
Insert termIndia
Insert termIndian Harbour (Newfoundland)
Insert termIndigenous peoples of the Americas used for Amerindians
Insert termIndignation
Insert termIndustrial & engineering accidents
Insert termIndustrial disputes
Insert termIndustrial sectors
Insert termIndustrialists
Insert termInexperience
Insert termInfanticide
Insert termInfantry
Insert termInfatuation
Insert termInfidelity used for Unfaithfulness
Insert termInforming (on someone)
Insert termInglenooks used for Chimney corners
Insert termInheritance
Insert termInjuries used for Trauma (injuries); Traumata
Insert termInk
Insert termInland water accidents
Insert termInland water transport
Insert termInland waterways personnel
Insert termInner Hebrides
Insert termInnocence
Insert termInnuendo
Insert termInquests
Insert termInsanity used for Madness
Insert termInsects used for Bugs
Insert termInsignia
Insert termInsomnia
Insert termInsults
Insert termInsurance
Insert termIntellectual products
Insert termInternal organs
Insert termInternational exhibitions used for World's fairs
Insert termInternational relations
Insert termInterpersonal relationships used for Personal relationships
Insert termInuits used for Eskimos; Esquimaux
Insert termInvasions
Insert termInventions
Insert termInverness-shire
Insert termInvertebrates
Insert termInvestigations used for Enquiries; Inquiries
Insert termIpswich
Insert termIRA used for Irish Republican Army
Insert termIreland used for Eire; Erin
Insert termIrish people
Insert termIrish Rebellion (1798)
Insert termIrish Republic used for Republic of Ireland; Ireland (Republic)
Insert termIrish Sea
Insert termIron
Insert termIroning (laundering)
Insert termIrresponsibility
Insert termIslands
Insert termIsle of Skye used for Skye
Insert termIsle of Wight used for Wight (Isle)
Insert termIsles of Scilly used for Scilly Isles
Insert termIslington
Insert termIsrael
Insert termItalian Campaign (1800)
Insert termItalians
Insert termItaly
Insert termItinerant life
Insert termItinerant workers
Insert termItinerants
Insert termIvory (product)
Insert termIvy used for Hedera
Insert termJack
Insert termJack the Giant Killer
Insert termJackets
Insert termJacob (Biblical patriarch)
Insert termJacobite Uprising (1715)
Insert termJacobites
Insert termJam
Insert termJamaica
Insert termJames used for Jamie
Insert termJames I, King of England, 1566-1625
Insert termJames II, King of England, 1633-1701
Insert termJames V, King of Scotland, 1512-1542
Insert termJames, Jesse, 1847-1882
Insert termJane
Insert termJane Seymour, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1509?-1537 used for Seymour, Jane, 1509?-1537
Insert termJanuary
Insert termJarvis
Insert termJasmine used for Jessamine
Insert termJealousy
Insert termJean used for Jeanie
Insert termJean II, King of France, 1319-1364 used for John II, King of France, 1319-1364
Insert termJedburgh
Insert termJenny used for Jennie
Insert termJerusalem
Insert termJessica used for Jessie; Jessy
Insert termJesus Christ used for Christ
Insert termJewellery used for Jewelry
Insert termJews
Insert termJilting
Insert termJoan
Insert termJob (Biblical figure)
Insert termJock
Insert termJoe Batt's Arm (Newfoundland)
Insert termJoffre, Joseph Jacques Césaire, 1852-1931
Insert termJohn used for Johnny; Jonnie; Joan (man's name); Jone
Insert termJohn Barleycorn
Insert termJohn Bull
Insert termJoining & leaving work
Insert termJoining work
Insert termJokes
Insert termJoking
Insert termJonah (Biblical prophet)
Insert termJone o' Grinfield used for Joan o' Grinfield; John of Greenfield; Jone o' Grinfilt
Insert termJoseph, Saint used for St Joseph
Insert termJournalists
Insert termJourneymen
Insert termJousting used for Tilting (jousting)
Insert termJoy
Insert termJoys of married life
Insert termJudas Iscariot
Insert termJudges used for Justices
Insert termJugs (drinking vessels)
Insert termJuly
Insert termJumping (by animals)
Insert termJune
Insert termJuries
Insert termJury masts
Insert termJute
Insert termKatherine used for Catherine; Cathy; Kathy; Kit; Kitty
Insert termKeeping watch
Insert termKeepsakes used for Tokens
Insert termKelligrews (Newfoundland)
Insert termKelvinhaugh
Insert termKent
Insert termKettles
Insert termKeyboard instruments
Insert termKeyholes
Insert termKeys
Insert termKidd, William, -1701 used for Captain Kidd; Kidd, Captain
Insert termKidnapping used for Abduction
Insert termKilbride (Newfoundland)
Insert termKildare
Insert termKillarney
Insert termKilling
Insert termKilling animals
Insert termKilts
Insert termKindness
Insert termKing's Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termKing Arthur used for Arthur, King
Insert termKings
Insert termKingston (Jamaica)
Insert termKinship groups
Insert termKirkby, Richard, -1703
Insert termKirkcaldy
Insert termKirkcudbrightshire
Insert termKissing used for Osculation
Insert termKitchen boys
Insert termKitchen maids
Insert termKitchens
Insert termKittens
Insert termKneeling
Insert termKnees
Insert termKnights
Insert termKnitting
Insert termKnives used for Knife
Insert termKnives (weapons)
Insert termKnocking
Insert termLabrador
Insert termLadders
Insert termLadies
Insert termLadies' maids
Insert termLadies in waiting
Insert termLadles
Insert termLairds
Insert termLake accidents
Insert termLake of Menteith used for Loch Inchmahome
Insert termLakes used for Lochs; Loughs
Insert termLambeth
Insert termLambs
Insert termLamentation
Insert termLammas Day1st August
Insert termLanarkshire
Insert termLancashire
Insert termLand battles
Insert termLand transport
Insert termLand transport infrastructure
Insert termLand transport personnel
Insert termLand vehicles
Insert termLandforms
Insert termLandlords & landladies (pubs) used for Publicans
Insert termLandlords (property owners) used for Land owners; Landowners; Owners (property); Property owners
Insert termLands used for Real estate; Real property; Estates (lands); Landed estates
Insert termLandscape
Insert termLanguage
Insert termLanterns
Insert termLard
Insert termLarks used for Laverocks
Insert termLast judgment used for Day of reckoning; Day of the Lord; Final accounting; Crack of doom; Day of judgment; Judgment Day
Insert termLast rites
Insert termLast words used for Last dying speeches
Insert termLatches used for Catches (fastening devices)
Insert termLaughing
Insert termLaunching (boats & ships) used for Boat & ship launching
Insert termLaundering
Insert termLaundry equipment
Insert termLaurels (shrub)
Insert termLaurels (worn as symbol)
Insert termLavender
Insert termLaw court personnel
Insert termLaw enforcement
Insert termLaw enforcement equipment
Insert termLaw enforcement personnel
Insert termLaw, Robert, 1788-1880
Insert termLawfulness
Insert termLawlessness
Insert termLaws
Insert termLawyers
Insert termLaying eggs used for Egg laying
Insert termLazarus
Insert termLe Havre used for Havre, Le
Insert termLead coins
Insert termLeaders used for Chiefs
Insert termLeaf fall used for Fall of leaves
Insert termLeagues (units of measurement)
Insert termLeather
Insert termLeather bottles
Insert termLeatherhead
Insert termLeaves
Insert termLeaving used for Parting
Insert termLeaving home
Insert termLeaving work
Insert termLeg irons used for Fetters; Irons (physical restraints); Leg cuffs; Legcuffs
Insert termLegacies used for Bequests
Insert termLegal buildings
Insert termLegal documents
Insert termLegal personnel
Insert termLegal procedures
Insert termLegal system
Insert termLegends
Insert termLegislation
Insert termLegislatures used for Parliaments
Insert termLegs
Insert termLemons
Insert termLending
Insert termLetters
Insert termLicences
Insert termLiddel Rack
Insert termLiddel Water
Insert termLiddesdale
Insert termLieutenant generals
Insert termLife assurance
Insert termLifeboats (shipboard)
Insert termLighthouse keepers
Insert termLighthouses
Insert termLighting equipment
Insert termLightning
Insert termLiking
Insert termLilies
Insert termLimbs
Insert termLincoln
Insert termLincolnshire
Insert termLindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974
Insert termLinen
Insert termLinnets
Insert termLinseed oil
Insert termLion (ship)
Insert termLions
Insert termLips
Insert termLisburn
Insert termListening
Insert termLiterary personnel
Insert termLiterary works
Insert termLittle John
Insert termLivelihoods
Insert termLiver (meat)
Insert termLiverpool
Insert termLivestock farming used for Pastoral farming
Insert termLiving a good life
Insert termLiving organisms used for Organisms; Plants & animals
Insert termLoathing
Insert termLoaves
Insert termLocal authorities
Insert termLocal characters
Insert termLocal government buildings
Insert termLocal government personnel
Insert termLocal political representatives
Insert termLochmaben
Insert termLochnagar used for Beinn Chìochan
Insert termLock hospitals
Insert termLockets
Insert termLocking
Insert termLocks (security equipment)
Insert termLodgers used for Boarders
Insert termLodgings
Insert termLofts used for Attics
Insert termLoggers used for Lumberjacks; Wood cutters; Woodcutters
Insert termLogging (forestry)
Insert termLogy Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termLondon
Insert termLondon (ship)
Insert termLoneliness used for Friendlessness; Lonesomeness
Insert termLong Beach (Newfoundland)
Insert termLooting used for Despoliation; Pillaging; Plundering; Ransacking; Sacking (looting)
Insert termLords
Insert termLords Lieutenant of Ireland used for Lieutenants General and General Governors of Ireland
Insert termLosh, William, 1770 - 1861
Insert termLosing (a thing)
Insert termLoss (emotion)
Insert termLoss at sea (person)
Insert termLoss of virginity used for Deflowering
Insert termLotteries
Insert termLottery prizes
Insert termLouisiana
Insert termLove
Insert termLove at first sight
Insert termLove letters used for Billets doux
Insert termLove potions
Insert termLove songs
Insert termLovelorn used for Love-sick; Lovesick; Sick for love
Insert termLovers used for Paramours
Insert termLovers' ghosts
Insert termLovers' tokens
Insert termLovers' trysts used for Trysts
Insert termLow Countries used for Benelux countries; Lowlands
Insert termLower body-wear
Insert termLuck used for Chance
Insert termLudlow
Insert termLuggage used for Baggage
Insert termLullabies
Insert termLunches
Insert termLust
Insert termLying
Insert termMacaroni
Insert termMachines used for Machinery; Mechanical devices
Insert termMagazines (guns)
Insert termMagdalen Green
Insert termMaggie
Insert termMagic
Insert termMagistrates used for JPs; Justices of the peace
Insert termMagnanimity
Insert termMagpies
Insert termMaiden names
Insert termMaids (servants) used for Maidservants; Servant girls; Serving maids
Insert termMaidstone
Insert termMain masts
Insert termMain sails
Insert termMaine
Insert termMains of Gight
Insert termMaintaining used for Maintenance; Mending; Repairing
Insert termMajor generals
Insert termMaking off without payment used for Bilking; Dining and dashing; Doing a runner; Leaving without paying; Sloping (bilking)
Insert termMalabar
Insert termMalevolence used for Ill will
Insert termMali
Insert termMalice
Insert termMalta
Insert termMamelukes used for Mamluks
Insert termMammals
Insert termManagers
Insert termManchester
Insert termManitoba
Insert termMansions
Insert termMantles
Insert termManufacturing
Insert termManufacturing buildings
Insert termManufacturing equipment
Insert termManufacturing industries used for Secondary industries
Insert termManufacturing personnel
Insert termMaps & plans
Insert termMarch (month)
Insert termMarches (musical works)
Insert termMarching
Insert termMarching bands
Insert termMares
Insert termMargaret used for Margit
Insert termMargate
Insert termMaria
Insert termMarie Louise, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1791-1847
Insert termMarigolds
Insert termMarine plants
Insert termMarine salvage used for Salvage (ships)
Insert termMarkets
Insert termMarks (coins)
Insert termMarriage
Insert termMarriage breakdown
Insert termMarriage difficulties
Insert termMarriage licences used for Licences to marry
Insert termMarriage proposals used for Proposals of marriage
Insert termMarried life
Insert termMarrowbones
Insert termMarshals
Insert termMarshals of France
Insert termMarshals of the Empire
Insert termMarten, Maria, 1801-1827
Insert termMartime customs
Insert termMartin, J.B., -1866 used for Captain Martin
Insert termMary
Insert termMary Anne
Insert termMary II, Queen of England, 1662-1694
Insert termMary, Blessed Virgin, Saint used for Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint; Madonna, The; Mary, Mother of Jesus; Mary, Virgin, Saint; St Mary, Mother of Jesus; Virgin Mary, Saint
Insert termMary, Queen of Scots, 1542-1587
Insert termMaryland
Insert termMascarene Islands
Insert termMasks (disguises)
Insert termMason, Walt, 1862-1939
Insert termMasons
Insert termMassachusetts
Insert termMassacres
Insert termMasses (church services) used for Eucharist; Holy Mass
Insert termMast heads
Insert termMasters
Insert termMasts (boats & ships)
Insert termMaterials
Insert termMaudlin
Insert termMaui
Insert termMauritius used for Île de France (Mauritius); Isle de France (Mauritius)
Insert termMay (month)
Insert termMay DayThe 1st May. The modern May Day bank holiday is the first Monday in May and may thus be any date between 1st and 7th May.
Insert termMay Day customs
Insert termMay queens used for Queens of the May
Insert termMaypole customs
Insert termMaypole dancing
Insert termMeadows
Insert termMeals
Insert termMeasuring
Insert termMeasuring equipment
Insert termMeat
Insert termMechanically-powered vehicles
Insert termMechanics
Insert termMedals
Insert termMedical conditions & diseases used for Disorders (medical)
Insert termMedical personnel
Insert termMedical procedures
Insert termMedicine
Insert termMedicines used for Medical drugs; Medications; Medicinal drugs; Pharmaceutical drugs
Insert termMeetings
Insert termMegaphones used for Speaking trumpets
Insert termMelbourne (Australia)
Insert termMembers of Parliament used for MPs
Insert termMemories
Insert termMen used for Males
Insert termMen's clothes used for Menswear
Insert termMen-of-war (ships)
Insert termMenservants used for Manservants; Serving men
Insert termMental disorders
Insert termMental processes
Insert termMenteith used for Monteith
Insert termMerasheen (Newfoundland)
Insert termMercenary courtship
Insert termMercenary marriages
Insert termMerchant shipping
Insert termMerchant shipping personnel
Insert termMerchant ships
Insert termMerchants
Insert termMercuric chloride used for Corrosive sublimate; White mercury
Insert termMercy used for Clemency; Compassion; Forgiveness; Leniency; Pardoning; Showing mercy
Insert termMermaids & mermen
Insert termMerriment used for Jollity
Insert termMerrymaking used for Carousing; Making merry
Insert termMessages
Insert termMessengers
Insert termMetals
Insert termMetalsmiths used for Smiths
Insert termMethodists
Insert termMethuselah (Biblical figure)
Insert termMice used for Mouse
Insert termMiddle classes used for Bourgeoisie
Insert termMiddle East used for Near East
Insert termMiddlesex
Insert termMidlothian used for Edinburghshire
Insert termMidnight
Insert termMidsummerThe period of time around the summer solstice, roughly between 19th and 25th June
Insert termMidsummer's Day24th June
Insert termMidwives
Insert termMigrants
Insert termMigration
Insert termMiles (units of measurement)
Insert termMilitary buildings
Insert termMilitary colours & standards
Insert termMilitary discharge
Insert termMilitary equipment
Insert termMilitary music
Insert termMilitary operations
Insert termMilitary personnel
Insert termMilitary recruitment used for Recruitment (military)
Insert termMilitary recruitment & discharge
Insert termMilitary strategies used for Strategies (military)
Insert termMilitary transport
Insert termMilitary vehicles
Insert termMilk
Insert termMilking
Insert termMilkmaids used for Dairymaids
Insert termMilkmen & milkwomen
Insert termMillers
Insert termMillertown (Newfoundland)
Insert termMilliners
Insert termMilling
Insert termMills
Insert termMine workers
Insert termMiners
Insert termMines (underground structures)
Insert termMining
Insert termMining & quarrying
Insert termMining & quarrying industries
Insert termMining & quarrying personnel
Insert termMining & quarrying structures
Insert termMining disasters
Insert termMinisters (government) used for Government ministers; Ministers of the crown
Insert termMinisters (Non-conformist)
Insert termMinisters (Scottish)
Insert termMinnesota
Insert termMiracles
Insert termMiramichi (New Brunswick)
Insert termMires
Insert termMirrors used for Glasses (mirrors); Looking glasses
Insert termMischief
Insert termMiserliness
Insert termMisers
Insert termMisery
Insert termMisfortune used for Bad luck
Insert termMisogyny
Insert termMistaken identity
Insert termMistakes used for Blunders; Errors; Gaffes
Insert termMistletoe
Insert termMistresses (heads of households)
Insert termMistresses (lovers) used for Kept women; Concubines
Insert termMizzen masts
Insert termMoaning
Insert termMoats
Insert termMockery used for Making fun of; Mocking; Ridicule
Insert termModeration
Insert termMolasses
Insert termMolecatchers
Insert termMolluscs
Insert termMolly used for Moll; Mollie
Insert termMonarchs used for Sovereigns (rulers)
Insert termMonday
Insert termMoney used for Legal tender; Currency
Insert termMoney denominations
Insert termMonkeys
Insert termMontcalm de Saint-Véran, Louis-Joseph, marquis de, 1712-1759
Insert termMonths
Insert termMonths of the year
Insert termMontreal
Insert termMonument to the Great Fire of London used for Monument, The; The Monument
Insert termMonuments used for Commemorative structures; Memorials
Insert termMoon
Insert termMoon phases used for Lunar phases; Phases of the moon
Insert termMoonlight used for Moonbeams
Insert termMoonshine (alcoholic drinks) used for Poitín; Potcheen; Poteen; Bootleg whisky
Insert termMoore, John, 1761-1809
Insert termMoorfields (London)
Insert termMoors
Insert termMops
Insert termMoral & ethical attitudes
Insert termMoral lessons
Insert termMormond Hill
Insert termMorning
Insert termMorocco
Insert termMoscow
Insert termMosquitoes
Insert termMother Brown
Insert termMothers
Insert termMothers-in-law used for Good-mothers; Goodmothers
Insert termMotion sickness
Insert termMotor vehicles
Insert termMountains
Insert termMounting
Insert termMourners
Insert termMourning
Insert termMoustaches
Insert termMouth
Insert termMouth disorders
Insert termMoville
Insert termMoving
Insert termMowing
Insert termMuch the miller's son
Insert termMucking out
Insert termMud
Insert termMunro, Henry, 1758-1798
Insert termMurder
Insert termMurder (by victim)
Insert termMurder victims
Insert termMurderers
Insert termMurmuring
Insert termMusic
Insert termMusic making used for Making music
Insert termMusic personnel
Insert termMusic shops
Insert termMusic venues
Insert termMusical genres
Insert termMusical groups
Insert termMusical instruments used for Instruments (music)
Insert termMusical works
Insert termMusicians used for Minstrels
Insert termMuskets
Insert termMuslin
Insert termMutilation used for Maiming
Insert termMutton
Insert termMyrtle
Insert termMysteries
Insert termMythical animals
Insert termMyths
Insert termNadin, Joseph, 1765-1848
Insert termNaivety
Insert termNakedness used for Nudity
Insert termNamed animals
Insert termNamed conflicts
Insert termNamed fairs
Insert termNamed islands & island groups
Insert termNamed oceans & seas
Insert termNamed people
Insert termNamed pleasure boats
Insert termNamed regiments
Insert termNamed regions & places used for Places
Insert termNamed rivers
Insert termNamed ships
Insert termNames
Insert termNancy
Insert termNancy (ship)
Insert termNannies used for Nurses (Nannies); Nursery nurses
Insert termNapoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 used for Bonaparte, Napoleon, 1769-1821; Boney; Bony
Insert termNapoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873 used for Bonaparte, Charles-Louis-Napoleon, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873; Louis-Napoleon, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873
Insert termNapoleonic Wars (1803-1815)
Insert termNarrative elements
Insert termNarratives used for Historical accounts; Histories; Stories; Tales
Insert termNational political representatives
Insert termNationalism
Insert termNative AmericansThe Indigenous peoples of the United Sates of America. For Indigenous peoples of North and South America use 'Indigenous peoples of the Ameicas' used for Red Indians; American Indians
Insert termNatural beauty
Insert termNatural environment
Insert termNatural phenomena
Insert termNaval officers
Insert termNavies used for Naval forces
Insert termNavigation
Insert termNavigation equipment
Insert termNavvies
Insert termNavy captainsIf type of captain not specified, use 'Sea captains' used for Captains (navies)
Insert termNavy personnel
Insert termNavy ships
Insert termNeck
Insert termNecklaces
Insert termNeckties used for Ties (neckwear)
Insert termNeckwear
Insert termNecromancy
Insert termNeedles
Insert termNeglect
Insert termNeighbourliness
Insert termNeighbours
Insert termNell used for Nellie; Nelly
Insert termNelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount, 1758-1805
Insert termNests
Insert termNets
Insert termNettles
Insert termNevison, John, 1639-1685
Insert termNew Bailey Prison
Insert termNew Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termNew Brunswick
Insert termNew Harbour (Newfoundland)
Insert termNew lovers
Insert termNew moon
Insert termNew Orleans
Insert termNew South Wales
Insert termNew Testament
Insert termNew Testament figures
Insert termNew Year
Insert termNew York City
Insert termNew York State
Insert termNewcastle-upon-Tyne
Insert termNewcastle (Co. Down)
Insert termNewfoundland
Insert termNewfoundland and Labrador
Insert termNewfoundlanders
Insert termNewgate Prison
Insert termNewlyweds
Insert termNewry
Insert termNews
Insert termNews media
Insert termNews media personnel
Insert termNewspapers
Insert termNey, Michel, duc d'Elchingen, 1769-1815 used for Marshal Ney; Ney, Marshal
Insert termNieces
Insert termNight
Insert termNightgowns used for Nightdresses; Nighties
Insert termNightingale (ship)
Insert termNightingales
Insert termNightmares
Insert termNightwear used for Nightclothes
Insert termNikolai Nikolaevich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1856-1929 used for Grand Duke Nicholas, 1856-1929
Insert termNine
Insert termNine Years' War (1688-97) used for War of the Grand Alliance; War of the League of Augsburg
Insert termNoah (Biblical figure)
Insert termNoblemen
Insert termNoblemen's daughters
Insert termNoblemen's sons
Insert termNobles used for Aristocrats; Peers (nobility)
Insert termNoblewomen
Insert termNon-alcoholic drinks
Insert termNon-commissioned officers (armies)
Insert termNon-mechanised movement
Insert termNon-precious metals
Insert termNon-seasonal customs
Insert termNon-verbal communicationConveying information or feelings without using words, eg by gestures or sounds other than words
Insert termNonsense songs
Insert termNoon used for Mid day; Midday
Insert termNorfolk
Insert termNormandy
Insert termNorth America
Insert termNorth Americans
Insert termNorth Star (ship)
Insert termNorthamptonshire
Insert termNorthern Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termNorthern Ireland
Insert termNorthfleet (ship)
Insert termNorthumberland
Insert termNorthwest Passage used for North West passage
Insert termNorway
Insert termNorwegians
Insert termNorwich
Insert termNose
Insert termNosebleeds
Insert termNostalgia
Insert termNottingham
Insert termNottinghamshire
Insert termNova Scotia
Insert termNova Scotians
Insert termNovember
Insert termNumbersOnly use for significant numbers, e.g. 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' used for Cardinal numbers
Insert termNuneaton
Insert termNursery rhymes
Insert termNurses
Insert termNut trees
Insert termNuts (food)
Insert termNuts (fruit of plants)
Insert termNutting used for Gathering nuts; Nut-gathering
Insert termO'Connell Street used for Sackville Street (Dublin)
Insert termO'Malley, Grace, 1530?-1603? used for Granuaile; Ni Maille, Grace, 1530?-1600?; OMalley, Grainne, 1530?-1603?
Insert termOak trees
Insert termOars
Insert termOaths (promises) used for Sworn oaths
Insert termObedience
Insert termOBJECTS used for Physical objects; Things
Insert termObsession
Insert termOccupational dishonesty
Insert termOccupationsUse for the activities involved in various types of work. For the people who undetake them use People by occupation or role
Insert termOcean liners used for Liners; Ocean cruisers
Insert termOceania
Insert termOceans & seas used for Seas
Insert termOctober
Insert termOffal
Insert termOffice workers
Insert termOfficers (armed forces) used for Military officers; Commissioned officers
Insert termOffspring used for Children (offspring)
Insert termOhio
Insert termOils
Insert termOldNot to be used to describe people. For people, use adjective Elderly.
Insert termOld King Cole
Insert termOld people's homes
Insert termOld Perlican (Newfoundland)
Insert termOld Testament figures
Insert termOld Testament prophets used for Prophets (Old Testament)
Insert termOldham
Insert termOlive trees
Insert termOmens used for Portents; Presages
Insert termOntario
Insert termOpening
Insert termOpponents used for Adversaries; Antagonists
Insert termOptimism
Insert termOral communicationThe use speech or other sounds to convey information
Insert termOral comunication media
Insert termOrange (colour) used for Amber (colour); Ginger (colour)
Insert termOranges
Insert termOrganisations
Insert termOrgans (musical instruments)
Insert termOrkney
Insert termOrphanages used for Asylums (orphans); Orphan asylums
Insert termOrphans
Insert termOstlers used for Hostlers
Insert termOutcomes used for Aftermaths; Consequences; End results; Results; Upshots
Insert termOutcomes of communication
Insert termOuterwear
Insert termOutlaws
Insert termOutwitting used for Outsmarting; Getting the better of; Outmanoeuvring
Insert termOvens
Insert termOverhearing
Insert termOverskirts
Insert termOverthrowing
Insert termOxen
Insert termOxford
Insert termOxfordshire
Insert termOysters
Insert termPace egging
Insert termPacific Islands
Insert termPacific Ocean
Insert termPadua used for Padova
Insert termPages (servants)
Insert termPaid-for sex
Insert termPain
Insert termPainters used for Limners
Insert termPainting
Insert termPaintings
Insert termPaisley
Insert termPalaces
Insert termPale skin
Insert termPalestine
Insert termPallbearers
Insert termPalmistry
Insert termPan-American Exposition (1901 : Buffalo, N.Y.)
Insert termPaper
Insert termParades
Insert termPardons used for Reprieves
Insert termParental approval (of courtship or marriage)
Insert termParental love
Insert termParental opposition (to courtship or marriage)
Insert termParenthood
Insert termParents
Insert termParents-in-law
Insert termParis
Insert termParish priests
Insert termParishes
Insert termParks
Insert termParlours
Insert termParody songs
Insert termParricideThe act of killing one's father (patricide) or mother (matricide) or some other close relative.
Insert termParrots
Insert termParsons used for Vicars; CofE clergymen; Rectors (clegy)
Insert termParted lovers
Insert termParties (celebrations)
Insert termPartridges
Insert termParts of boats & ships
Insert termParts of buildings
Insert termParts of clothes
Insert termParts of plants
Insert termParts of the body used for Body parts; Organs (body)
Insert termPassage of time used for Time passing
Insert termPassenger carriages
Insert termPassenger vehicles
Insert termPassengers
Insert termPassing
Insert termPasswords
Insert termPasta
Insert termPatched clothes
Insert termPaths
Insert termPatience
Insert termPatricide
Insert termPatrick used for Paddy; Pat (Patrick)
Insert termPatriotism
Insert termPaupers
Insert termPawn tickets
Insert termPawnbrokers
Insert termPawning
Insert termPayment
Insert termPeace
Insert termPear trees
Insert termPearls
Insert termPears
Insert termPeat cutting
Insert termPecks (units of measurement)
Insert termPedlars used for Chapmen; Peddlers; Packmen
Insert termPeggy
Insert termPembroke, William Marshal, Earl of, 1144?-1219 used for Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, 1144?-1219
Insert termPenal labour used for Penal servitude
Insert termPence (money)
Insert termPeninsular War (1807-1814)
Insert termPenknives
Insert termPennies (coins)
Insert termPennsylvania
Insert termPens
Insert termPensions
Insert termPeople used for Human beings; Humans; Mankind; Persons
Insert termPeople by age
Insert termPeople by attractiveness
Insert termPeople by character type
Insert termPeople by nationality or ethnicity
Insert termPeople by occupation or role
Insert termPeople by physical characteristics
Insert termPeople by relationship status
Insert termPeople by sex
Insert termPeople by social or economic position
Insert termPeople with supernatural powers
Insert termPercussion instruments
Insert termPerformance venues used for Places of entertainment
Insert termPerforming arts used for Performances
Insert termPerforming arts personnel
Insert termPerfumes
Insert termPerjury
Insert termPernambuco (Brazil)
Insert termPersonal & domestic staff
Insert termPersonal (life-cycle) customs
Insert termPersonal accessories used for Accessories (personal)
Insert termPersonal aids (physical)
Insert termPersonal assistants
Insert termPersonal hygiene & grooming
Insert termPersonal hygiene equipment
Insert termPersonal life used for Life (personal)
Insert termPersonal names
Insert termPersonal property
Insert termPersonal service personnel
Insert termPersuasion
Insert termPerth
Insert termPerthshire
Insert termPeru
Insert termPeter used for Pete; Pate (Pete)
Insert termPeter, the Apostle, Saint used for Simon Peter, the Apostle, Saint; St Peter, the Apostle, Saint
Insert termPeterloo Massacre
Insert termPetticoats
Insert termPetty Harbour Maddox Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termPheasants
Insert termPhiladelphia
Insert termPhilanderers used for Womanisers
Insert termPhoebe
Insert termPhotographs used for Photos
Insert termPhysical disabilities
Insert termPhysical properties
Insert termPhysical setting
Insert termPhysical states
Insert termPhysically disabled people
Insert termPhysiological processes
Insert termPianos used for Pianofortes
Insert termPickaxes used for Picks (hand tools)
Insert termPickpockets
Insert termPicnics
Insert termPictures
Insert termPies
Insert termPig sties used for Pigsties; Sties; Sty
Insert termPigments
Insert termPigs used for Hogs; Swine
Insert termPikes (weapons)
Insert termPilgrims used for Palmers
Insert termPillars
Insert termPillows
Insert termPincers
Insert termPinching
Insert termPinders used for Poundmasters
Insert termPine trees
Insert termPinks
Insert termPins
Insert termPints
Insert termPipers
Insert termPipes (musical instruments)
Insert termPipes (smoking) used for Dudeens
Insert termPiping (bo'suns' pipes)
Insert termPiracy
Insert termPirates
Insert termPistols
Insert termPitchforks
Insert termPity
Insert termPlacentia (Newfoundland)
Insert termPlaids
Insert termPlains
Insert termPlains of Abraham used for Heights of Abraham (Quebec City)
Insert termPlanets
Insert termPlanks
Insert termPlanning
Insert termPlans (of action)
Insert termPlant growth & development
Insert termPlant products used for Vegetable products
Insert termPlantations
Insert termPlanting of evidence
Insert termPlants
Insert termPlate Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termPlates
Insert termPlaying used for Toying
Insert termPlaying cards used for Cards (card games)
Insert termPlaying music
Insert termPlays
Insert termPleading
Insert termPleasure used for Fun
Insert termPleasure boats
Insert termPleasure fairs used for Funfairs
Insert termPleasure gardens
Insert termPleasure trips used for Excursions
Insert termPlotting used for Conspiracy
Insert termPloughing used for Plowing
Insert termPloughing horses
Insert termPloughing with horses
Insert termPloughing with oxen
Insert termPloughmen used for Ploughboys; Plowboys; Plowmen
Insert termPloughs
Insert termPlymouth
Insert termPlymouth Sound
Insert termPoachers
Insert termPoaching
Insert termPockets
Insert termPoets
Insert termPoisoning
Insert termPoisons
Insert termPokers
Insert termPoland
Insert termPolar bears
Insert termPolar regions
Insert termPolice officers used for Policemen; Policewomen
Insert termPolicing
Insert termPolitical attitudes
Insert termPolitical corruption
Insert termPolitical movements & parties used for Parties (politics); Political parties
Insert termPolitical reform
Insert termPolitical representatives
Insert termPolitical systems
Insert termPoliticians
Insert termPolly
Insert termPolstead
Insert termPolyandry
Insert termPolygamy
Insert termPomeroy
Insert termPonds
Insert termPonsonby, William, Major General Sir, 1772-1815
Insert termPoor food
Insert termPoor Law Amendment Act 1834 used for New Poor Law
Insert termPoor law guardians
Insert termPoor people
Insert termPoor relief used for Relief of the poor; Poverty relief
Insert termPoor working conditions
Insert termPoor workmanship
Insert termPork
Insert termPorridge
Insert termPort aux Basques (Newfoundland)
Insert termPort Royal (Jamaica)
Insert termPorters
Insert termPortmanteaus (luggage)
Insert termPorto (Portugal) used for Oporto
Insert termPorts used for Seaports
Insert termPortsmouth
Insert termPortugal
Insert termPortugal Cove-St Philip's (Newfoundland)
Insert termPosies
Insert termPosts
Insert termPotatoes used for Praties
Insert termPotions
Insert termPots (containers)
Insert termPouch Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termPouches
Insert termPoultry used for Fowl
Insert termPounds (money) used for Sovereigns (money)
Insert termPouring vessels
Insert termPoverty
Insert termPower sources
Insert termPractical jokes
Insert termPrairies
Insert termPraise of local men
Insert termPraise of local people
Insert termPraise of local scenery
Insert termPraise of local trades
Insert termPraise of local women
Insert termPrams used for Perambulators
Insert termPrattling used for Babbling; Blathering; Maundering
Insert termPrayer
Insert termPrayers
Insert termPraying
Insert termPreaching
Insert termPrecious metals
Insert termPrecious stones used for Gem stones; Gemstones
Insert termPrecognition
Insert termPregnancy
Insert termPregnancy & childbirth
Insert termPrejudice
Insert termPremeditation
Insert termPremonitions
Insert termPreparation for death
Insert termPress gangs
Insert termPretended poverty
Insert termPride
Insert termPride & praise of place
Insert termPride in one's work
Insert termPriests used for Clergymen; Ministers of religion
Insert termPrimates
Insert termPrime ministers used for Premiers (prime ministers)
Insert termPrimroses
Insert termPrinces
Insert termPrincess Alice (boat)
Insert termPrincess Royal (ship) used for Bold Princess Royal (ship)
Insert termPrincesses
Insert termPrinted media
Insert termPrison cells used for Cells (prisons)
Insert termPrison guards used for Gaolers; Jailers; Turnkeys; Guards (prisons); Prison warders; Warders (prisons); Prison officers
Insert termPrison personnel
Insert termPrisoners
Insert termPrisoners of war
Insert termPrisons used for Gaols; Jails; Jailhouses
Insert termProcessions
Insert termProducts
Insert termProfligacy
Insert termPromiscuity used for Wantonness; Easy virtue
Insert termPromiscuous people
Insert termPromiscuous women
Insert termPromises used for Pledges; Vows
Insert termPromises to marry used for Plighting troth
Insert termPromising used for Pledging; Vowing; Plighting
Insert termProofs
Insert termProperty used for Possessions
Insert termPropositioning used for Chatting up
Insert termProstitutes used for Courtesans; Harlots; Ladies of pleasure; Whores; Ladies of the night; Street walkers; Doxies
Insert termProtection
Insert termProtective clothing used for Personal protective equipment; PPE
Insert termProtective equipment
Insert termProtest meetings
Insert termProverbs
Insert termProvosts (local government)
Insert termPrudence
Insert termPrussia
Insert termPrussians
Insert termPsychiatric hospitals used for Mental asylums; Mental hospitals; Asylums (mental); Lunatic asylums
Insert termPub landladies used for Landladies (pubs)
Insert termPub landlords used for Landlords (pubs)
Insert termPublic announcements
Insert termPublic meetings
Insert termPublic transport vehicles
Insert termPubs used for Ale houses; Alehouses; Beer houses; Beerhouses; Inns; Public houses; Taverns
Insert termPuddingsSweet or savory
Insert termPulling used for Dragging; Hauling; Towing; Tugging
Insert termPumping ship
Insert termPumps
Insert termPunch (drink)
Insert termPunching (hitting)
Insert termPunishments
Insert termPurposes of communication
Insert termPurses used for Wallets; Coin purses
Insert termPursuing used for Chasing
Insert termPursuit (sea battles) used for Chases
Insert termPurvis, Billy, -1853
Insert termPushing
Insert termPutney
Insert termQuackery
Insert termQuarter days
Insert termQuarterstaffs used for Short staffs (weapons); Staffs (weapons); Staves (weapons)
Insert termQuarts
Insert termQuays used for Warves; Wharfs
Insert termQuebec (Province)
Insert termQuebec City
Insert termQueen Katherine (Robin Hood character)
Insert termQueens
Insert termQuestioning
Insert termQuestions
Insert termQuestsA journey toward a specific mission or a goal.
Insert termRabbits
Insert termRace horses
Insert termRachel (Biblical matriarch)
Insert termRacing
Insert termRaffles
Insert termRafts
Insert termRagged clothes
Insert termRail transport
Insert termRailway carriages used for Carriages (railways)
Insert termRailway companies & lines
Insert termRailway construction
Insert termRailway construction personnel
Insert termRailway disasters
Insert termRailway gangers
Insert termRailway infrastructure
Insert termRailway managers
Insert termRailway navvies
Insert termRailway operations
Insert termRailway personnel used for Railway workers
Insert termRailway rolling stock used for Railway vehicles
Insert termRailway stations used for Train stations
Insert termRailway surveyors & engineers
Insert termRain
Insert termRaising the anchor
Insert termRakes (people) used for Bucks (people); Libertines; Rakehells; Roués
Insert termRakishness
Insert termRaleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618
Insert termRalph
Insert termRamillies (ship) used for Ramilies (ship); Royal Katherine (ship)
Insert termRams (sheep)
Insert termRansoming
Insert termRape used for Forced sex
Insert termRapiers
Insert termRats
Insert termRavens
Insert termRazors
Insert termReaping
Insert termRebellions used for Uprisings
Insert termRebels used for Insurgents; Revolutionaries
Insert termReceipts
Insert termRecognition
Insert termRecompense used for Compensation; Making amends; Reparation; Restitution
Insert termReconciliation
Insert termRecreations used for Leisure activities; Amusements
Insert termRecruiting sergeants
Insert termRecruitment units (armed forces)
Insert termRecruits (armed forces)
Insert termRed
Insert termRed hair used for Amber hair; Ginger hair
Insert termRed Indian Lake (Newfoundland)
Insert termRedaines, Dedea used for Switzerland John
Insert termRedemption
Insert termReefing sails
Insert termReefs (sea)
Insert termRefreshment
Insert termRefusal
Insert termRefusal of sex
Insert termRefusal to marry
Insert termRefusal to speak
Insert termRegents
Insert termRegicide
Insert termRegiments
Insert termRegret used for Rue (emotion); Ruing; Remorse; Repentance; Contrition
Insert termReivers used for Border reivers
Insert termRejected suitors
Insert termRejection
Insert termRejoicing
Insert termReleasing from promises
Insert termReligious beliefs
Insert termReligious buildings
Insert termReligious music
Insert termReligious organisations
Insert termReligious personnel
Insert termReluctance
Insert termReluctant sex
Insert termRemembering
Insert termRemonstrance
Insert termRemuneration used for Pay (remuneration)
Insert termRendezvous
Insert termRenews-Cappahayden (Newfoundland)
Insert termRenfrewshire
Insert termRents
Insert termRepair & maintenance personnel
Insert termRepeating
Insert termReprimands
Insert termReptiles
Insert termRequesting
Insert termRescuing used for Saving (rescuing)
Insert termResidential institutions
Insert termResolutions
Insert termResourcefulness used for Initiative
Insert termRespect
Insert termResponsibility used for Accountability
Insert termRestaurants
Insert termResting
Insert termRestoration
Insert termRestraining devices used for Physical restraints
Insert termResurrection
Insert termResurrection of Jesus Christ
Insert termRetail trades
Insert termRetailers
Insert termRetailing
Insert termRetirement homes
Insert termRetreats (armed forces)
Insert termRetribution
Insert termReturning
Insert termReunited lovers used for Returned lovers
Insert termRevealing identity
Insert termRevealing secrets
Insert termRevelry
Insert termRevenge
Insert termReversal of fortune
Insert termRevulsion
Insert termRewards
Insert termRhubarb
Insert termRibbons
Insert termRibs
Insert termRice
Insert termRich people used for Wealthy people
Insert termRiddles
Insert termRifles
Insert termRigging (boats & ships)
Insert termRighting of wrongs used for Redress
Insert termRinglets used for Corkscrew curls; Princess curls
Insert termRings
Insert termRipping
Insert termRivalry
Insert termRivals
Insert termRiver accidents
Insert termRiver Annan used for Annan Water
Insert termRiver boat captains
Insert termRiver boats
Insert termRiver Clyde used for Clyde River
Insert termRiver DeveronRiver flows through the historic counties of Aberdeenshire and Banffshire
Insert termRiver Nile used for Nile River
Insert termRiver Rhine used for Rhine River
Insert termRiver Shannon used for Shannon River
Insert termRiver Tay used for Tay River
Insert termRiver Thames used for Thames River
Insert termRiver transport
Insert termRiver transport personnel
Insert termRiver Tyne used for Tyne River
Insert termRiverbanks used for Banks (rivers); River banks; Riversides
Insert termRiverhead (Newfoundland)
Insert termRivers
Insert termRivers & streams
Insert termRoad building
Insert termRoad infrastructure
Insert termRoad operations
Insert termRoad passengers
Insert termRoad transport
Insert termRoad transport personnel
Insert termRoad vehicles
Insert termRoads used for Highways
Insert termRobbers
Insert termRobbery
Insert termRobes used for Gowns
Insert termRobin
Insert termRobin Hood
Insert termRobin Hood cycle
Insert termRobin Hood cycle characters
Insert termRobins
Insert termRocks
Insert termRocky Brook (Newfoundland)
Insert termRocky shores
Insert termRodney, George Brydges Rodney, Baron, 1719-1792
Insert termRods
Insert termRogues used for Rascals; Ruffians; Scoundrels
Insert termRoman Catholic Church used for Catholic Church
Insert termRome
Insert termRooms used for Chambers
Insert termRopes
Insert termRosary beads used for Rosaries (beads)
Insert termRose Blanche Bank (Newfoundland)
Insert termRosemary
Insert termRoses
Insert termRotherham
Insert termRotherhithe
Insert termRough treatment
Insert termRound Island (Newfoundland)
Insert termRowardennan
Insert termRowing
Insert termRowing boats used for Row boats; Wherries; Dories; Skiffs
Insert termRoxburgh
Insert termRoxburghshire used for Teviotdale
Insert termRoyal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich used for Greenwich Hospital for Seamen
Insert termRoyal household personnel
Insert termRoyal households used for Households (monarchs); Monarchs' households; Royal courts
Insert termRoyal Navy used for British Navy; Navy (British)
Insert termRoyalty
Insert termRubbing
Insert termRudders (boats & ships)
Insert termRufford Park
Insert termRuins
Insert termRulers
Insert termRuling
Insert termRum
Insert termRumours
Insert termRunning
Insert termRunning (athletics)
Insert termRunning away used for Fleeing; Flight (running away)
Insert termRural environment used for Countryside
Insert termRural setting used for Countryside setting
Insert termRushes
Insert termRussia
Insert termRussians
Insert termRutland
Insert termSacred sites
Insert termSacred texts
Insert termSacred wells
Insert termSaddles
Insert termSafety
Insert termSafety equipment
Insert termSailing
Insert termSailing ships
Insert termSailors used for Crews (ships); Mariners; Seafarers; Seamen; Ship personnel; Ships' crews
Insert termSails (boats & ships)
Insert termSaint-Arnaud, Arnaud-Jacques Leroy de, 1801-1854
Insert termSalé used for Safee; Sallee
Insert termSales techniques
Insert termSalford
Insert termSalkeld, Thomas, 1551-1627 used for False Sakelde
Insert termSally
Insert termSalmon
Insert termSalmon Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termSalmonier (Newfoundland)
Insert termSalt
Insert termSalvation Army
Insert termSamson (Biblical judge)
Insert termSamuel
Insert termSand
Insert termSandbank Fields
Insert termSandbanks
Insert termSandy
Insert termSarah
Insert termSatan used for The Devil; Lucifer
Insert termSatin
Insert termSatire
Insert termSaturday
Insert termSausages
Insert termSaving (economic activity)
Insert termSaying goodbye used for Bidding adieu; Bidding farewell; Taking leave; Valediction
Insert termSayings
Insert termScaffolding
Insert termScales (fish)
Insert termScales (weighing equipment) used for Balances (weighing equipment); Weighing balances; Weighing scales
Insert termScandinavia used for Nordic countries
Insert termScarborough Fair
Insert termScents
Insert termSchadenfreude
Insert termSchomberg, Friedrich Hermann von, 1615-1690 used for Schomberg, Duke of, 1615-1690
Insert termSchools
Insert termScientific equipment
Insert termScissors
Insert termScolding wives
Insert termScorched earth strategies
Insert termScorn
Insert termScorpions
Insert termScotland used for Caledonia
Insert termScots
Insert termScott, Walter, Lord Scott of Buccleuch, 1565-1611 used for Buccleuch, Lord, 1565-1611; Lord Buccleuch, 1565-1611
Insert termScottish counties
Insert termScouts (army personnel)
Insert termScraping
Insert termScreaming
Insert termScrope, Thomas Scrope, Baron, approximately 1567-1609 used for Lord Scroope
Insert termScythes
Insert termSea-going operations used for Seafaring
Insert termSea-going personnel
Insert termSea-going transport
Insert termSea-going vehicles used for Marine vessels
Insert termSea & ocean accidents
Insert termSea battles used for Naval battles
Insert termSea captainsUse for unspecified captains; see also 'Navy captains' used for Captains (ships); Masters (ships); Skippers (ships); Ship Masters; Shipmasters; Ships' captains; Ships' masters
Insert termSea captains (fishing)
Insert termSea charts
Insert termSea ice
Insert termSea shanties used for Chanteys; Shanties
Insert termSea sickness used for Seasickness
Insert termSea storms used for Storms at sea
Insert termSea transport infrastructure
Insert termSea transport personnel
Insert termSea travel
Insert termSeafaring equipment
Insert termSeal Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termSeal hunting
Insert termSeals (mammals)
Insert termSearching used for Looking for
Insert termSeashores used for Sea shores; Shores
Insert termSeaside setting
Insert termSeasonal customs used for Calendar customs
Insert termSeasons
Insert termSeaweed
Insert termSecond World War (1939-1945) used for World War Two; WW2
Insert termSecrecy
Insert termSecrets
Insert termSecurity equipment
Insert termSeduction
Insert termSeeds
Insert termSeeing used for Looking; Viewing; Watching
Insert termSeeking work
Insert termSeismic events
Insert termSelf-restraint
Insert termSelkies used for Silkies
Insert termSelkirkshire used for Ettrick Forest
Insert termSelling used for Sale
Insert termSenegal
Insert termSenses
Insert termSensing
Insert termSensory disorders used for Sensation disorders
Insert termSentencing
Insert termSeparationThe separation of family, friends, or sweethearts, either willingly or unwillingly.
Insert termSequins (coins)
Insert termSerenity
Insert termService industries used for Tertiary industries
Insert termService sector personnel
Insert termSetting fire to
Insert termSETTINGS
Insert termSevastopol used for Sebastopol
Insert termSeven
Insert termSeven Years' War (1756-1763) used for French and Indian War; Pomeranian War; Third Carnatic War; Third Silesian War
Insert termSewing
Insert termSex avoided
Insert termSex workers
Insert termSextons
Insert termSexual abuse
Insert termSexual assault
Insert termSexual crimes
Insert termSexual desire used for Desire (sexual)
Insert termSexual dysfunction
Insert termSexual euphemisms
Insert termSexual frustration used for Frustration (sexual}
Insert termSexual innuendo
Insert termSexual intercourse
Insert termSexual organs
Insert termSexual pleasure
Insert termSexual relations
Insert termShackles used for Gyves
Insert termShadwell
Insert termShaking used for Quivering
Insert termShaking hands used for Hand shaking; Handshaking
Insert termShame
Insert termShamrock Green (ship)
Insert termShamrocks
Insert termShapeshifting used for Therianthropy
Insert termSharing
Insert termSharks
Insert termShaving
Insert termShawls
Insert termShearboards
Insert termShears
Insert termSheaves
Insert termSheba, Queen of used for Queen of Sheba
Insert termSheep
Insert termSheep crooks
Insert termSheep dogs
Insert termSheep farming
Insert termSheep shearing used for Shearing sheep
Insert termSheep skins
Insert termSheepfolds used for Sheep pens; Buchts; Ewe buchts
Insert termSheerness
Insert termSheet music
Insert termSheets
Insert termSheffield
Insert termShelters
Insert termShepherdesses
Insert termShepherds
Insert termShepherds & shepherdesses
Insert termSheriff of Nottingham
Insert termSheriffs
Insert termSherry
Insert termSherwood Forest
Insert termShields
Insert termShillings (coins)
Insert termShillings (money)
Insert termShining
Insert termShipbuilders used for Shipwrights
Insert termShips used for Barks (ships); Barques; Vessels (ships)
Insert termShips' carpenters
Insert termShips' flags used for Ensigns (flags)
Insert termShips' insignia
Insert termShips' passengers
Insert termShips' pilots used for Pilots (ships); Maritime pilots
Insert termShips' wheels
Insert termShipwrecks used for Wrecks (ships)
Insert termShirts
Insert termShivering
Insert termShock
Insert termShocks
Insert termShoe shops
Insert termShoemakers used for Cordwainers
Insert termShoemaking
Insert termShoes
Insert termShooting
Insert termShooting (hunting)
Insert termShops
Insert termShopworkers
Insert termShoreditch
Insert termShorncliffe
Insert termShort hair
Insert termShortness
Insert termShot (pellets)
Insert termShouting
Insert termShovels
Insert termShowing
Insert termShropshire
Insert termShrouds
Insert termShrubs used for Bushes
Insert termSiblings
Insert termSickles used for Bagging hooks; Reap hooks; Reaping hooks
Insert termSiege of Harfleur (1415)
Insert termSiege of Sebastopol (1854-1855)
Insert termSiege of Valenciennes (1793)
Insert termSieges
Insert termSierra Leone
Insert termSighing
Insert termSight (sense) used for Eyesight; Vision
Insert termSignalling
Insert termSignalling horns used for Bugle horns; Horns (signalling instruments)
Insert termSignalling instruments
Insert termSilk
Insert termSilver (colour)
Insert termSilver (metal)
Insert termSilver coins used for White money
Insert termSingers used for Songsters (singers)
Insert termSinging
Insert termSinging birds used for Songbirds; Songsters (birds)
Insert termSinging rooms
Insert termSingle life
Insert termSinking
Insert termSinking a ship (sea battles)
Insert termSinning
Insert termSisters
Insert termSize & shape
Insert termSkating
Insert termSkeletal frame
Insert termSkeletons
Insert termSkill used for Expertise; Good workmanship; Prowess; Skilfulness
Insert termSkin
Insert termSkin colour
Insert termSkirts
Insert termSky
Insert termSlavery
Insert termSlaves used for Enslaved people
Insert termSledge dogs
Insert termSledges used for Sleds
Insert termSleeping
Insert termSleeping draughts used for Soporifics
Insert termSleighs
Insert termSlighting
Insert termSligo
Insert termSloes
Insert termSlovenly wives used for Slatternly wives
Insert termSluts
Insert termSmallwood, Joseph R., 1900-1991
Insert termSmells
Insert termSmiling
Insert termSmocks (male)
Insert termSmokey Run (Labrador)
Insert termSmoking
Insert termSmoking accessories
Insert termSmoking materials
Insert termSmugglers
Insert termSmuggling
Insert termSnares (hunting equipment)
Insert termSnow
Insert termSnowdrops
Insert termSnowstorms
Insert termSnuff boxes
Insert termSoap
Insert termSocial action
Insert termSocial behaviours
Insert termSocial change
Insert termSocial classes
Insert termSocial institutions
Insert termSocial interactions used for Social relations
Insert termSocial movements & causes
Insert termSocial problems
Insert termSocial processes
Insert termSocial security benefits used for Welfare benefits
Insert termSocial standing used for Social status; Status in society
Insert termSocial stratification
Insert termSocial unrest used for Protest
Insert termSociety
Insert termSociety of Friends (Quakers) used for Quakers; Religious Society of Friends
Insert termSocks
Insert termSoil (earth) used for Earth (soil)
Insert termSoldiers used for Troopers
Insert termSolomon, King of Israel
Insert termSomerset
Insert termSomerset, Lord Robert Edward Henry, 1776-1842 used for Somerset, Edward, 1776-1842; Somerset, Lord Edward, 1776-1842
Insert termSong structures
Insert termSongs
Insert termSongwriting
Insert termSons
Insert termSoothsayers used for Prophets
Insert termSororicide
Insert termSou'westers
Insert termSound recordings
Insert termSounds
Insert termSoup
Insert termSouth
Insert termSouth-west England used for West country
Insert termSouth America
Insert termSouth Carolina
Insert termSouthampton
Insert termSouthend-on-Sea
Insert termSowing
Insert termSows
Insert termSpades
Insert termSpain
Insert termSpaniards
Insert termSpaniels
Insert termSpanish-American War (1898)
Insert termSpears
Insert termSpecific languages
Insert termSpectacles used for Eye glasses; Glasses (spectacles)
Insert termSpeeches
Insert termSpeedwell (ship)
Insert termSpells
Insert termSpending
Insert termSpendthrift wives
Insert termSpendthrifts used for Prodigals; Profligates; Wastrels
Insert termSpinach
Insert termSpindle whorls used for Whorls (spindles)
Insert termSpindles (textile equipment)
Insert termSpinners
Insert termSpinning
Insert termSpinsters
Insert termSpirits (alcoholic drinks)
Insert termSpite
Insert termSplendour used for Grandeur; Magnificence
Insert termSpoken communication used for Speaking; Talking; Speech
Insert termSpoons
Insert termSporrans
Insert termSports & games used for Games; Sports
Insert termSports & games equipment
Insert termSportsmen & women
Insert termSpouses
Insert termSpring (season)
Insert termSpurs
Insert termSquid
Insert termSquires
Insert termSt Giles (London)
Insert termSt Helen's (Lancashire)
Insert termSt Helena (Island)
Insert termSt James's (London)
Insert termSt John's (Newfoundland)
Insert termSt Martin's Day11th November used for Martinmas
Insert termSt Mary's Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termSt Patrick's Day17th March
Insert termSt Paul (Minnesota)
Insert termSt Paul Island (Nova Scotia)
Insert termSt Peter's (Newfoundland)
Insert termSt Peter's Field (Manchester) used for Peter's Field (Manchester)
Insert termSt Pierre and MiquelonFrench territory located near Newfoundland, Canada. used for Saint Pierre and Miquelon; Overseas Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Insert termSt Stephen's Day customs
Insert termStabbing
Insert termStabbing & cutting weapons
Insert termStables
Insert termStafford
Insert termStaffordshire
Insert termStag (ship)
Insert termStage coach guards
Insert termStage coach personnel
Insert termStage coach proprietors
Insert termStage coaches
Insert termStage wagons
Insert termStags
Insert termStains
Insert termStakes (posts)
Insert termStarch
Insert termStarching washing
Insert termStars
Insert termState of the times
Insert termStead, W. T. (William Thomas), 1849-1912
Insert termSteadfastness
Insert termSteam-powered vehicles
Insert termSteam boats used for Steamboats
Insert termSteam carriages
Insert termSteam power
Insert termSteam road vehicles
Insert termSteamships used for Steam ships; Steamers (ships)
Insert termSteel
Insert termSteering wheels
Insert termStep-mothers
Insert termStep-parents
Insert termStepping up to
Insert termSteps
Insert termStewards
Insert termStiles
Insert termStirling
Insert termStirlingshire
Insert termStirrups
Insert termStockings
Insert termStomach used for Belly
Insert termStomach aches used for Belly aches
Insert termStones
Insert termStoneshaw Bank
Insert termStooks used for Stacks (crops)
Insert termStorage furniture
Insert termStorms used for Tempests
Insert termStrangers
Insert termStrangling
Insert termStrathbogie
Insert termStrathdon
Insert termStrathmiglo
Insert termStraus, Isidor, 1845-1912
Insert termStraw
Insert termStraw hats
Insert termStreams used for Becks; Bournes; Brooks; Burns (streams); Rivulets; Creeks
Insert termStreet musicians used for Buskers
Insert termStreet personnel
Insert termStreet traders
Insert termStreets
Insert termStrength used for Weakness
Insert termStrichen
Insert termStrikes
Insert termStringed instruments used for Chordophones
Insert termStrings (musical instruments)
Insert termStrong
Insert termStubbornness used for Obstinacy; Pigheadedness
Insert termStudents used for Schoolchildren; Pupils (students); Scholars (students)
Insert termStupidity
Insert termSubjects (of a monarch)
Insert termSubjugation
Insert termSubmarines
Insert termSubservience
Insert termSuccess
Insert termSuffolk
Insert termSuffrage movements
Insert termSugar
Insert termSuicide
Insert termSuitors used for Wooers
Insert termSule Skerry
Insert termSummer
Insert termSun
Insert termSunday
Insert termSunday schools
Insert termSunrise used for Sunup
Insert termSunset
Insert termSunshine
Insert termSupernatural beings
Insert termSupernatural events
Insert termSupernatural practices & beliefs
Insert termSuperstitions
Insert termSupervisors used for Foremen; Overlookers; Overseers
Insert termSuppers
Insert termSupply trains (armies) used for Baggage trains (armies); Waggon trains (armies); Wagon trains (armies)
Insert termSurgeons
Insert termSurgery used for Operations (surgery)
Insert termSurnames used for Family names; Second names; Last names
Insert termSurprise
Insert termSurrender
Insert termSurrey
Insert termSurtout coats
Insert termSurveyors & engineers
Insert termSusan used for Sue; Susie; Susy
Insert termSwabbing the deck
Insert termSwaddling
Insert termSwans
Insert termSwansea
Insert termSwearing (bad language) used for Cursing (bad language)
Insert termSwearing (oaths etc.)
Insert termSweden
Insert termSweeping
Insert termSweethearts used for Boyfriends; Girlfriends; Darlings; True lovers; Hinnies (sweethearts); Honeys; Betrotheds; Fiancées; Fiancés; Lemans; Partners (sweethearts); Trueloves
Insert termSweetness
Insert termSwimming
Insert termSwords
Insert termSydney (New South Wales)
Insert termSydney (Nova Scotia)
Insert termSymbolic accessories
Insert termSyphilis used for Pox; Great pox
Insert termSyrup
Insert termTable manners
Insert termTables
Insert termTableware
Insert termTailoring
Insert termTailors
Insert termTails
Insert termTalking animals
Insert termTalking birds
Insert termTall stories used for Exaggerated narratives
Insert termTallness
Insert termTampering with evidence used for Evidence tampering; Spoliation of evidence
Insert termTamworth
Insert termTanneries
Insert termTanners
Insert termTapping
Insert termTardiness used for Lateness
Insert termTarpaulin (fabric)
Insert termTartan
Insert termTasmania used for Van Diemen's Land
Insert termTastes
Insert termTattoos
Insert termTaunting
Insert termTaxes
Insert termTaxi drivers used for Cab drivers
Insert termTaxidermists
Insert termTaxis used for Cabs; Taxicabs
Insert termTea
Insert termTeachers used for Masters (schools); School masters; School teachers; Schoolmasters; Schoolteachers
Insert termTeapots
Insert termTearing
Insert termTearing of hair
Insert termTears used for Teardrops
Insert termTeeth
Insert termTelegraph services
Insert termTelescopes used for Spyglasses; Glasses (telescopes)
Insert termTelling of tales
Insert termTelling tales
Insert termTemperanceModeration or voluntary self-restraint. For narrower sense use Abstinence from alcoholic drink.
Insert termTemperature
Insert termTemples
Insert termTemporal setting
Insert termTemporary structures
Insert termTenderness (emotion)
Insert termTennessee
Insert termTennis balls
Insert termTents
Insert termTerror
Insert termTests of fidelity
Insert termTests of love
Insert termTests of relationships
Insert termTexas
Insert termTextile & clothes making
Insert termTextile & clothes making equipment
Insert termTextile & clothing makers
Insert termTextile buildings
Insert termTextile factories used for Textile mills
Insert termTextile industries
Insert termThatchers
Insert termThe Strand (London) used for Strand, The (London)
Insert termTheatre
Insert termTheatre audiences
Insert termTheatre personnel
Insert termTheatrical performances
Insert termTheft used for Larceny; Stealing; Pilfering; Purloining; Theiving
Insert termThieves used for Sneaksmen
Insert termThighs
Insert termThimbles
Insert termThings lost & found
Insert termThinking used for Thoughts
Insert termThirst
Insert termThistles
Insert termThomas
Insert termThompson guns
Insert termThorns
Insert termThousands
Insert termThreads
Insert termThreatening
Insert termThreats
Insert termThree
Insert termThreshers
Insert termThreshing
Insert termThreshing machines
Insert termThrift
Insert termThrushes
Insert termThumbs
Insert termThunder
Insert termThursday
Insert termThyme
Insert termTickle Cove Pond (Newfoundland)
Insert termTides
Insert termTifty
Insert termTigers
Insert termTilt Cove (Newfoundland)
Insert termTimbuktu used for Timbuctoo
Insert termTime measuring equipment used for Timepieces
Insert termTime of day
Insert termTime of year
Insert termTimothy used for Tim
Insert termTinkers
Insert termTipperary
Insert termTiredness used for Weariness
Insert termTitanic (ship)
Insert termToasting (with drink)
Insert termTobacco
Insert termToes
Insert termTolling a bell
Insert termTom used for Tommy; Tam
Insert termTom cats
Insert termTombs used for Sepulchres
Insert termTombstones used for Gravestones; Headstones
Insert termTongue
Insert termTools
Insert termTop masts
Insert termTop sails
Insert termTopsail (Newfoundland)
Insert termTorbay (Newfoundland)
Insert termTorches
Insert termTormenting
Insert termToronto
Insert termTorpedoes
Insert termTorso
Insert termTossing
Insert termTousling
Insert termTower of London
Insert termTowers
Insert termTown halls
Insert termTowns
Insert termTownspeople used for Town dwellers
Insert termTractors
Insert termTrade unions
Insert termTraders used for Dealers
Insert termTrading (in general)
Insert termTrain crashes
Insert termTrains
Insert termTraitors
Insert termTramore
Insert termTrampling
Insert termTramps used for Bums (tramps); Hoboes
Insert termTransformation
Insert termTransportThe operation of transporting animals, good, or people. For purpose, i.e. to visit family, see Travel.
Insert termTransport & travel used for Transportation (general)
Insert termTransport & travel personnel
Insert termTransport accidents
Insert termTransport buildings
Insert termTransport equipment
Insert termTransport infrastructure
Insert termTransport of goods used for Cargo transport; Freight transport; Goods transport; Logistics
Insert termTransport setting
Insert termTransport ships
Insert termTransportation (punishment)Penal transportation of criminals or other undesirables to a distant place or colony. used for Penal transportation
Insert termTransports (convicts)
Insert termTrapping used for Entrapment
Insert termTravelTravel refers to journeys made and their particular purpose. For the means of travel, see Transport. used for Journeys; Voyages
Insert termTravel for holiday
Insert termTravel in search of work
Insert termTravel to see sweetheart
Insert termTravellersIn widest sense, including explorers, tourists. etc. For narrower sense use Travellers (itinerants)
Insert termTrawlers
Insert termTreacle
Insert termTreason
Insert termTreasure
Insert termTree products
Insert termTrees
Insert termTrepanning
Insert termTrepassey Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termTrials (legal procedures)
Insert termTrickery
Insert termTrinity (Newfoundland)
Insert termTrinity Bay (Newfoundland)
Insert termTriumph
Insert termTriumph of love
Insert termTrousers
Insert termTrout
Insert termTruces
Insert termTruck wage systems used for Tommy system
Insert termTrue love
Insert termTrumpeters
Insert termTrumpets
Insert termTruncheons
Insert termTrust used for Confidence
Insert termTrustees
Insert termTruth
Insert termTsunamis used for Tidal waves
Insert termTubs
Insert termTuesday
Insert termTug boats
Insert termTumbling
Insert termTunics
Insert termTunnels
Insert termTurkey (country)
Insert termTurks
Insert termTurning the tables
Insert termTurnips
Insert termTurpentine
Insert termTurpin, Richard, 1706-1739 used for Dick Turpin; Turpin, Dick
Insert termTwelve
Insert termTwilight
Insert termTwin Lakes (Newfoundland)
Insert termTwins
Insert termTwo
Insert termTyburn Gallows used for Tyburn Tree
Insert termTying up used for Binding
Insert termTypes of song
Insert termU.S. States
Insert termUdny
Insert termUgliness
Insert termUgly people
Insert termUkraine
Insert termUncles
Insert termUnder-age sex
Insert termUnderground structures used for Subterranean structures
Insert termUnderpants (male)
Insert termUnderwater diving
Insert termUnderwear
Insert termUndoing
Insert termUndutifulness
Insert termUnemployment
Insert termUnemployment benefits used for Dole (unemployment benefits)
Insert termUnfaithful husbands
Insert termUnfaithful wives
Insert termUngava (Quebec)
Insert termUnhappiness used for Forlornness; Discontentment; Sadness; Sorrow; Woe
Insert termUnharnessing (horses)
Insert termUniforms
Insert termUnited Irishmen used for Society of United Irishmen; United Irish Society
Insert termUnits of area
Insert termUnits of capacity
Insert termUnits of length
Insert termUnits of measurment
Insert termUnits of time
Insert termUnmarried mothers
Insert termUnmarried people
Insert termUnofficial weddings
Insert termUnrequited love
Insert termUntimely death used for Premature death
Insert termUnwanted pregnancy
Insert termUpper body-wear
Insert termUpper class people
Insert termUpper classes
Insert termUrban environment
Insert termUrban setting
Insert termUSA used for America; United States of America; United States
Insert termUsurpers
Insert termUxoricide used for Wife-killing
Insert termValleys
Insert termValparaiso
Insert termValuables
Insert termVanity used for Vainglory
Insert termVauxhall (London)
Insert termVauxhall Gardens
Insert termVegetable oils
Insert termVegetables
Insert termVehicle manufacturing
Insert termVehicle parts
Insert termVehicles
Insert termVeils
Insert termVelvet
Insert termVenereal diseases used for Sexually-transmitted diseases; STDs; VD
Insert termVengeance
Insert termVenice
Insert termVenison
Insert termVenus (Roman goddess)
Insert termVerbal communicationThe use of written or spoken words to convey information
Insert termVerbal trickery
Insert termVerdicts
Insert termViceroys
Insert termVices used for Deadly sins; Seven deadly sins; Sins
Insert termVictims of crime used for Crime victims
Insert termVictoria (Australia)
Insert termVictoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901
Insert termVictories
Insert termVienna
Insert termVigo
Insert termVillagers
Insert termVillages
Insert termVillains
Insert termVindication
Insert termViolence used for Violent behaviour
Insert termViolent death
Insert termViolets
Insert termVirginia
Insert termVirginity used for Maidenheads
Insert termVirtues
Insert termViscounts
Insert termVision disorders used for Eye disorders; Sight disorders
Insert termVisions
Insert termVisiting
Insert termVisual arts used for Art
Insert termVisual arts personnel
Insert termVisual communication media
Insert termVoluntary enlistment used for Enlistment (voluntary)
Insert termVolunteer units (armies)
Insert termWade, Cooper, -1703
Insert termWages
Insert termWagon driving
Insert termWagoners used for Waggoners
Insert termWagons (road vehicles) used for Waggons (road vehicles)
Insert termWaist
Insert termWaistcoats
Insert termWaiters
Insert termWaiting
Insert termWaiting staff
Insert termWakefulness
Insert termWakes (for the dead)
Insert termWales
Insert termWalking used for Tramping
Insert termWalking sticks used for Sticks (personal aids)
Insert termWallace, William, Sir, -1305
Insert termWalls
Insert termWalruses
Insert termWanderers used for Rovers
Insert termWandering used for Ambling; Rambling; Ranging; Roaming; Roving; Straying; Strolling
Insert termWands
Insert termWar of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714)
Insert termWarning
Insert termWarnings
Insert termWarrens
Insert termWarrington, Henry Booth, Earl of, 1652-1694 used for Booth, Henry, Earl of Warrington, 1652-1694; Delamere, Henry Booth, Baron, 1652-1694
Insert termWars & conflicts used for Conflicts
Insert termWars of Scottish Independence (1296-1357)
Insert termWars of the French Revolution (1792-1802) used for French Revolutionary Wars
Insert termWarships
Insert termWarwick
Insert termWarwickshire
Insert termWashing (laundering)
Insert termWashing (personal hygiene)
Insert termWaste
Insert termWasting used for Squandering
Insert termWatches
Insert termWatchet
Insert termWater
Insert termWater (as a drink)
Insert termWater features (artificial)
Insert termWater features (natural)
Insert termWater pipes used for Pipes (water)
Insert termWater pumps
Insert termWater spirits used for Kelpies
Insert termWater supply equipment
Insert termWater taps used for Taps (water)
Insert termWater transport
Insert termWater transport accidents
Insert termWater transport infrastructure
Insert termWater transport personnel
Insert termWaterford
Insert termWatermen
Insert termWatermills
Insert termWaterproof
Insert termWaves
Insert termWaving (salutation)
Insert termWax
Insert termWeak
Insert termWealth used for Fortunes (wealth); Riches; Gold (wealth)
Insert termWeapon holders
Insert termWeapons
Insert termWearing clothes
Insert termWeather used for Meterological conditions
Insert termWeavers
Insert termWeaving
Insert termWedding anniversaries
Insert termWedding customs
Insert termWedding equipment & paraphernalia
Insert termWedding personnel
Insert termWedding preparations used for Preparation for weddings
Insert termWedding receptions
Insert termWedding rings
Insert termWeddings
Insert termWednesday
Insert termWeeding
Insert termWeighing equipment
Insert termWeights & measures
Insert termWellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852 used for Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, 1769-1852
Insert termWells
Insert termWelsh counties
Insert termWest
Insert termWest Indies used for Caribbean
Insert termWesterdale
Insert termWet
Insert termWetlands
Insert termWetness
Insert termWeyhill
Insert termWeyhill Fair
Insert termWhales
Insert termWhaling used for Whale fishing
Insert termWheat
Insert termWheelbarrows
Insert termWheels
Insert termWhelks
Insert termWhey
Insert termWhips
Insert termWhisky used for Whiskey
Insert termWhistles
Insert termWhistling
Insert termWhite
Insert termWhite skin
Insert termWhitehall
Insert termWhittingham Fair
Insert termWicklow
Insert termWidecombe Fair
Insert termWidows
Insert termWife-beating
Insert termWife-selling
Insert termWigs
Insert termWildernesses
Insert termWill Scarlet
Insert termWilliam used for Will; Willie; Willy
Insert termWilliam II, German Emperor, 1859-1941 used for Kaiser Bill; Wilhelm II, German Emperor, 1859-1941
Insert termWilliam II, King of the Netherlands, 1792-1849 used for Willem II, King of the Netherlands, 1792-1849
Insert termWilliam III, King of England, 1650-1702
Insert termWilliamite War in Ireland (1688-1691)
Insert termWillow trees used for Withies
Insert termWills
Insert termWinchester
Insert termWinchfield
Insert termWind-powered vehicles
Insert termWind instruments used for Aerophones
Insert termWinding yarn
Insert termWindowpanes used for Panes (windows)
Insert termWindows
Insert termWinds
Insert termWine
Insert termWine barrels used for Pipes of wine
Insert termWine merchants used for Vintners
Insert termWings (birds)
Insert termWinkles used for Periwinkles (molluscs)
Insert termWinning someone's heart
Insert termWinnipeg (Manitoba)
Insert termWinnowing
Insert termWinter
Insert termWishing
Insert termWishing to die
Insert termWitches
Insert termWitness statements
Insert termWives used for Wife
Insert termWolfe, James, 1727-1759
Insert termWolves
Insert termWomen used for Females
Insert termWomen's clothes
Insert termWomen's rights
Insert termWomen by occupation or role
Insert termWondering
Insert termWood (material) used for Timber; Lumber
Insert termWooden legs
Insert termWoodland setting
Insert termWoodlands
Insert termWoodpeckers
Insert termWoods
Insert termWoodwind instruments
Insert termWool
Insert termWool combers
Insert termWoolwich
Insert termWorcester
Insert termWorcestershire
Insert termWords
Insert termWork used for Employment; Labour
Insert termWork horsesA large horse bred to be a working animal doing hard tasks such as ploughing and other farm labour. used for Cart-horses; Carthorses; Draught horses; Heavy horses; Working horses
Insert termWork songs
Insert termWorkhouses used for Poor houses
Insert termWorking animals
Insert termWorking class people used for Lower class people; Proletarians
Insert termWorking classes used for Lower classes; Proletariat
Insert termWorking conditions
Insert termWorking dogs
Insert termWorks of artIn the widest sense including musical and literary works as well as visual artworks
Insert termWorms
Insert termWorship
Insert termWounding
Insert termWounds
Insert termWrecking (ships)
Insert termWren hunting
Insert termWrens
Insert termWrestling
Insert termWringing of hands used for Hand wringing
Insert termWriting
Insert termWriting a will
Insert termWriting materials & equipment
Insert termWriting paper
Insert termWritten & printed media
Insert termWritten communication
Insert termWrongdoers used for Culprits; Delinquents; Malefactors; Miscreants; Offenders; Sinners; Transgressors
Insert termWrongdoing used for Delinquency; Malefaction; Malpractice; Misbehaviour
Insert termWytham
Insert termWytham Woods
Insert termYarn
Insert termYarrow (Selkirkshire)
Insert termYearning used for Longing; Pining
Insert termYears
Insert termYellow
Insert termYelverton used for Elford Town
Insert termYeoman cavalry
Insert termYokes
Insert termYork
Insert termYorkshire
Insert termYoung men used for Lads; Laddies; Swains
Insert termYoung people
Insert termYoung women used for Lasses; Maidens; Maids (young women); Nymphs (young women); Virgins; Lassies; Damsels; Wenches
Insert termYthanside
Welcome to the Folk Song Subject & Master Index.