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Hands 6 quite round, back again, down the
mid: up again, Promenade & Pousette.
Lead down the mid: up again & Allemande, swing
corners, and foot it outsides.
Lead twice down the mid: up again,
hands 4 round, right & left at top.
Cast off 2 Cu: up again, down the mid: up again, to the top,
swing corners, foot it & lead outsides.
Hands 4 back again, down the mid: up again,
Allemande & Swing corners.
The 1st & 2d Cu: hands across, back again,
down the mid: up again, right and left at top.
The 1st & 2d Cu: set & change sides, back again, down the
mid: up again, Swing corners, & foot it outsides.
1st Cu: set to 2d Lady & hands 3 round, same
with Gent: down the mid: up again, cast off.
Hands across, & back again, down the
mid: up again, & right and left.
Hands across, & back again,
down the mid: & Allemande.
The 1st Lady set to the 2d Gent: & turn round
with both hands, 1st Gent: same with 2d Lady,
Pousette & right & left at top.
Foot it & change sides, same back again, down the mid:
up again, right & left at top.
Hands 4 back again, down the mid: up again,
Allemande & Swing corners.
The 1st & 2d Cu: set & change sides, back again, down
the mid: up again, Allemande, & swing corners.
Half right & left, back again, down the
mid up again, Swing Corners.
Cast off 1 Cu: up again, down the mid up
again, Allemande.
Change sides, back again, down the mid: up
again, foot it & hands 4 round.
The 1st & 2d Cu: set & change sides, back again,
down the mid: up again, Allemande & Swing corners.
The 1st & 2d Cu: set & change sides, back again,
down the mid: up again, All.e & Swing corners.
Hands across, back again, down the mid:
up again, & Allemande.
Change sides, back again, down the mid:
up again, hands 4 round.
Change sides, back again, cross over 1 Cu: Gent:
right hands across at bottom, Lady at Top.
Hands 4 back again, down the mid: up
again, Allemande, & Swing Corners.
The 1st & 2d Cu: set & change sides, back again, down the
mid: up again, Allemande, & Swing Corners.
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