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All round: four lead up, fall back, Ballance, four round:
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner into her Place.
All round:
Four lead up,
During which the other four go the Chassee in the Corners
The other four lead up
And the first four go the Chassee in the Corners:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner in her Place.
Ballance & Rigadoon step then all round
& do the same in all changes,
Then the 2 first Couple faces the two 2nd Couple
& fall back and change Palces,
The two 2nd Couple do the same,
The four Ladies make a cross in the Centre
& takes man by the right Hand,
All 4 couple half round, Rigadoon step,
The 4 Gentlemen changes Places with the Ladies
& make a cross,
& goes a whole round into their own Places.
All round:
Each turn his Partner,
Ballance, turn each others Partners:
Ballance a Rigadoon Step:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner unto her Place
All round
Chassee a quatre, threaten with one Finger,
Clap hands three times, hands round four:
The Same by the other four:
Every Gentleman turn his partner into her Place.
All round:
Right hands & Left four, four lead up,
Turn their Ladies once round into their Places,
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner
All Round:
Chassee a quatre,
Threaten with the right Hand
And beat with the foot at the same time,
The same with the Left Hand,
And beat again with the foot:
Four hands across:
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner into her Place.
All round the queu de Chassee by the first four:
The Same by the second four,
The first four lead up,
Change their Ladies & turn to the other four:
Then clap hands 3 times
And beat 3 times with their feet,
Then turn their Partners into their Places:
The other four do that same:
Le Promenade,
Every Gentleman turn his Partner into her Place.
All Round:
Chassee a quatre,
Threaten with the right hand
& beat with the foot at the same time,
The same with the left hand
And beat again with the foot:
Hands across:
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner to her Place.
All round.
All four Couple their Partners by their hands
& by turning go all round to their own Places;
All four Couple by crossing
Change Places by Chassee and Rigadoon Step;
Return to their Places by the same manner
All round
First four turn the other four:
Change Places, L'Allemande,
Turn to the otehr four again,
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner into he Place.
All round:
First four turn the other four:
Change palces,
L'Allemande, turn to the other four again,
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his Partner into her Place.
All round: The first couple lead up
And make a whole round in the Centre:
Meantime the second Couple Chassee to the corners,
& then Chassee up the middle:
Change Ladies lead up & make round in every Centre:
The first Cu. Chassee right and left side
& then another Chassee to every Corner:
Everyone falss into their own Places by Chassee:
Every 4 ladies turn under every Arm of their Partner.
All round:
Four Couples turn each other's Partners:
Chassee all Eight, turn Partners into their Places,
Then Chassee again by all Eight:
Then turn their Partners again into their Places.
The Gentlemen gives their right Hand to the next Lady
And turns her under the Arm in making a whole round
& then returns to their Partners
& turn them with their left hand in making a whole round
All 4 Couple lead up to the middle
And all take hands
4 Gentlemen turns under their Partners left Arm
And faces to the Wall still holding
Then make a whole round The Gentlemen turning every fourth part of the round
All round: four Couple turn each others Partners:
Chassee all Eight,
Turn their Partners into their places,
Then Chassee again by all Eight:
Turn their Partners again into their Places.
All round:
The queu de Chassee by the first 4:
The Same by the 2nd four,
The first 4 lead up change their Ladies
And turn to the other four:
Then clap hands 3 times and beat 3 times with their feet:
Then turn their Partners into their Places:
The other 4 do the same:
Le Promaenade.
Every Gentleman turns his partner into her Place.
All round:
Four lead up, turn you own hands one over the other:
Clap with one hand, the Right hand on the Breast:
The Left hand the same:
Clap hands turn seperate. 1v each to their own places:
The other four do the same:
Every Gentleman turn his partner.
All round:
The two firstCouple lead up Rigadoon step,
The Gentleman leads the Lady by a half round
& comes facing the second Couple,
And claps hands with the second Couple five times
The Lady leads the Gentleman to his Place
And turns under his Arm
The second Couple do the same.
All round:
The first couple lead up, a Rigadoon Step,
The Gentleman leads the Lady by a half round
And comes facing the Second Couple
And comes facing the Second Couple
And claps hands five times,
The Lady leads the Gentleman to his place
And turns under his Arm
The Second Couple do the same.
All round:
The first Couple lead up
& make a whole round in the Center:
Meantime the 2nd Couple Chassee to the Corners,
& then Chassee to the middle:
Change Ladies, lead up & make a round in the Centre:
The first Cu. Chassee at Right & Left side,
And then another Chassee to every Corner
Every one falls into their own Places by Chassee:
Every 4 Ladies turn under every Arm of their Partner.
All round:
All four Couples take their Partners by their hands
And by turning go all orund to their own Places:
All four Couple by crossing change Places:
By Chassee and Rigadoon Step return to their Places.
All Round
Each partner truns his Partner, Ballance,
Turn each others Partner:
Ballance a Rigadoon Step:
Every Gentleman turns his Partner into her Place.
This Dance is with five Gentlemen and four Ladies;
One Gentleman stands always in the middle.
NB. The Gentleman in the middle may be left out.
All round:
Then each Gentleman takes his Partner before him at the 4 corners
The ladies facing the Gentleman in the middle,
The Ladies beckon with their finger after Chassee & Change Places,
The Ladies always coming before the Gentlemen,
The Ladies beckon again and Chassee to their own Place,
Then advance again to the middle clap hands
And fall back to their own Places:
All 4 Couples gives their Partner their right hans
And fall back to their own Places,
All 4 Couple gives their Partner their right hand & turns her,
Then the left and does the same,
Then the Gentlemen do the same figure
Only this difference the Gentlemen Chassee contrary sides.
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