Our new digital camera and supporting stand have now arrived and we are just getting set up to begin an ongoing programme of in-house digitisation at the VWML. Our aim is to develop the work on our Historic Dance and Tune books gallery and continue to make some of the more historic and fragile material in the VWML collections freely available to access online as well as ensuring we have high quality digital preservation copies of rare books and manuscripts.
New camera and digitisation stand
Part of this equipment comes from kind donation from the following clubs:
Leyland Folk Dance Club
Lichfield Folk Dance Club
Maggot Pie Country Dance Club
Farringdon Folk Dance Club
We'll be starting digitisation of more Historic Dance and Tune books soon, so please keep a look out for new material on our gallery.
We'd like to extend our grateful thanks to the dance clubs that have made it possible to purchase this important equipment.