Come to Cecil Sharp House and be an indexer for the day!
29th November 2015, 11am – 4pm
Cecil Sharp House
2 Regents Park Road
London NW1
The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library and the Song Collectors' Collective (SCC) have teamed up to host a one day transcribathon to index and transcribe traditional songs recently collected by members of the Song Collectors’ Collective.
The work generated from the day will be uploaded onto the VWML’s song index on the VWML website, which will help fellow researchers to find and listen to these wonderful songs.
Help and support will be on hand from other SCC volunteers and the EFDSS Library and Archives Director, Laura Smyth.
Bring a laptop (or similar), headphones and enthusiasm!
Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To find out more about the SCC, see their wonderful website here: