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Mid-October buiding works update

Welcome to the latest Cecil Sharp House building project update from Rosie Baker, Operations Director at the English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS).

The team at Cecil Sharp House would like to thank you all for your patience while building works continue at Cecil Sharp House.


Front entrance


Since my last update some unforeseen circumstances involving floor tiles led to a delay to the finish of the reception area and so sadly we cannot yet showcase our wonderful new reception desk to you although it is being installed as we speak! At some point this week we will have a new desk to show and the Duty Managers will be situated in the reception to greet you at long last! Thank you for your patience meanwhile. We now have a Duty Manager mobile phone so you can call and speak to a person while the reception desk continues to float around the building - the number is 07900286859. Please call if you need any information about events and opening times, access or for any other enquiry.



Further progress is that we now have three lovely operational new accessible toilets on the ground floor and in the basement, although the finishing touches of painting are still being applied they will be in use from this weekend.  



Our caterers Pink Foods have now moved in and are operating a drinks and snacks service from the basement bar. This is because the café area won’t be ready until the last week in October due to the delay in building works and the café refurbishment completion. So therefore only a limited service is offered while no cooking facilities are available on site. Please be assured that hot and cold food and draft ale will be served as soon as Pink have had a chance to get set up and operational. They want to ensure they have the nicest pints from the best local breweries and so are taking the time to get the right products for you. In the meantime bottled ale, cider and tea, coffee, soft drinks and snacks can be purchased in the evenings for most public events, classes and courses. Please contact us if you would like to know if the bar will be open when you are visiting in October. From November the bar and café will be open daily and offering a full and delicious service.


Until my next post, stay warm and thank you again for your patience and understanding while the building works continue…


The English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) has been awarded a grant of £378,842 from Arts Council England, as part of their small capital grants programme, to improve access at Cecil Sharp House. This project is also supported by the City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charity, The Headley Trust, and the Friends of Cecil Sharp House.