Folk Music Journal (FMJ) is a unique specialist scholarly journal. Published by the English Folk Dance and Song Society, it is the annual publication of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. It is edited by David Atkinson.
FMJ is published annually in December. It is mailed by the English Folk Dance and Song Society to all individual members who have asked to receive it, and to all institutional subscribers.
Members can also read an increasing selection of FMJ articles online, at the members-only section of From this members-only website you can also access JSTOR to view all editions of FMJ and its predecessors (Journal of the Folk-Song Society 1899–1931; EFDS Journal 1914–1915; Journal of the English Folk Dance Society 1927–1931; Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society 1932–1964; Folk Music Journal 1965–date).
FMJ is also available online to registered users of the JSTOR digital library.