Saturday 12 Feb 2022, 9:30am-5:00pm, on Zoom
The Broadside Day is the annual one-day conference for people interested in Street Literature and Cheap Print in all its fascinating aspects.
Broadsides, chapbooks, songsters, woodcuts, engravings, last dying speeches, catchpennies, news (real and fake), almanacs, carol sheets, wonder tales, and all kinds of cheap printed ephemera sold or distributed to ordinary people in the streets and at fairs, from pedlars’ packs, and in back-street shops, up and down the country.
Organised jointly by the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library and the Traditional Song Forum, the 2022 Broadside Day will now take place exclusively online.
Tickets are on sale now, priced £12.50.
Download the complete programme (PDF)
Oskar Cox Jensen — Protest song and the politics of print
Pam Bishop — The political song tradition in Birmingham
Colin Bargery — A short farewell to smoke and noise: Travelling for pleasure in street literature
Mary Emmett — The enduring structure of a hunting song: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Catherine Ann Cullen — From transportation to diversion: Ballads, singers and printers in Irish courts 1825–1850
Michelle Holloway — How were seventeenth-century attitudes towards early modern English women perpetuated in the contemporaneous broadside ballad?
Tom Pettitt — The earliest murdered sweetheart ballads: On the genesis of a broadside genre
David Atkinson — The Ballad Partnership after 1690